rodrigo_sjc_sp 发表于 2022-7-5 23:46:13

get Entity name , ( string )

i have this code

(setq selpline (ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))(setq m 0)(repeat (sslength selpline)      (setq entbh (ssname selpline m))      (setq lentpl (entget entbh))            (setq tipo_l (cdr(assoc -1 (entget entbh)))))
Unable to collect the value of the variable entity in tipo_l
when I try to use it more of an error
Error: bad argument type: stringp
How can I work with this value as a string?

Tharwat 发表于 2022-7-6 00:20:11

there is no need for the line in orange color since you have it with entget function or visa versa .
The entity you want can not be string , so what are you planning to do with it as a string ?

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 00:55:29

You can convert any data type to a string using the vl-princ-to-string or vl-prin1-to-string functions.
However, since an entity name is simply a pointer to the DXF data in the drawing database, it is useless when the pointer is lost through converting it to a string or when not assigned to a variable.
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