Hippe013 发表于 2022-7-5 23:47:15


So, I was looking for a way to read and parse XML files and had decided on just creating my own which proved to be a much bigger job than I had anticipated. That's when I came across the XML DOM Document Object. It really made my life easier. The XML DOM Document Object can be accessed by:

(setq XML (vlax-create-object "MSXML.DOMDocument"))
So anyways. I had a lot of fun exploring what I could do with this and made reading XML files a breeze in AutoLISP. Which lead me to my question.
What else can I do with vlax-create-object?
I've accessed excel, internal speech, outlook & a few others using vlax-create-object, but just want to know what else is out there that I can explore? Any ideas?
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