Shoey 发表于 2022-7-6 00:02:41

S::STARTUP problem

Hi all
I have 3 mnl files that each append to the S::STARTUP function.
Menu1.mnl Has MENU1, Menu2.mnl Has MENU2 and Menu3.mnl has MENU3

(defun-q MENU1 ()...code....)(setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP MENU1))(defun-q MENU2 ()...code....)(setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP MENU2))(defun-q MENU3 ()...code....)(setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP MENU3))
2 out of the 3 load.
Does anybody know why?
Also is this a good method?
The code for the functions are all Autoloads
(autoload "command" '("CMD1" "CMD2"))

Shoey 发表于 2022-7-6 01:08:50

Hi all
As Del Boy would say............ What a Plonker!
One of the menus i was adding the appended s::startup to was in a different location.
Meaning the old menu with a (defun-q S::STARTUP () was not being loaded as another S::STARTUP was defined.
Copied and replaced the MNL. All fine now.
Lovely jubbly............
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