Mike55 发表于 2022-7-6 02:25:12


我看过加密程序解密,所以这不是我要找的。我想要的是在thumb驱动器上销售我的Auto lisp程序,该驱动器可以与AutoCAD一起使用,最早版本为12,但用户将无法复制它,或者甚至无法看到它。这可能吗?我正在使用AutoCAD 2002,但可以访问AutoCAD 2013。

Tharwat 发表于 2022-7-6 02:53:42


Dana W 发表于 2022-7-6 02:59:42


BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 03:10:22

Re thumdrive你可以创建只在thumb驱动器上工作的文件,我已经复制了一些东西,然后它就不工作了。你们可以编写代码来寻找USB驱动器,这是获得USB设备号的最简单方法,你们也可以在某处看到。你也可以隐藏目录。

satishrajdev 发表于 2022-7-6 03:25:13

;;LSP2FAS.lsp                                    ; Scot Harris11-29-2012
;;   Minimizes the sequence needed to create FAS files.
;;   Help facility added.
;;   Streamlined from original program provided by aqdam1978.

(defun c:LSP2FAS-Help (/)
(alert (strcat
"\tLisp (LSP) to Fast and Secure (FAS) Help"
"\n "
"\nFile dialog begins in the current directory.   "
"\nIt is suggested to place and open a drawing (DWG)   "
"\ninside the input folder you wish to batch process.   "
"\n "
"\nOutput file will be in the same folder as the file selected.   "
"\n "
"\nThere is no provisional check for an existing FAS file of the same name.   "
);end LSP2FAS-Help

(defun c:LSP2FAS ( / a )
(prompt " Lisp to Fast and Secure (FAS). LSP2FAS-Help available. ")
(if (wcmatch (strcase (setq a (getfiled "Convert LSP File to FAS" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "" 16))) "*.LSP")
(c:vlide)(vlisp-compile 'st a)
(princ (strcat "\n File " (vl-string-subst ".fas" ".lsp" a) " created. "))
(alert "File extension must be \".LSP\"   ")
);end LSP2FAS
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