sepultura 发表于 2022-7-6 03:00:25

First LISP-enabled freeware CA

Dear members,
I'm not sure may I say that BabaCAD (after release 1.3) is first LISP enabled and autolisp compatible freeware cad. I have to code some more commands (mirror,break,join) andfinal 1.3 release will be available soon.
I want to encourage you to test beta pre-release of BabaCAD 1.3 ( Others who don't want to bother with installation of 2.9Mb file, I uploaded a new screenshot of 1.3 version capabilities (gallery link on babacad site; last image demo1.dxf).
I wrote some lisps and upload on so everyone can download and see how it works (just type appload command in command line and hit enter to load lisp file).
Best regards,

satishrajdev 发表于 2022-7-6 03:17:56

I downloaded and installed.... It just a reader, It is not autolisp compatible. When i typed appload - It is asking for text insertion properties.
From where you loaded lisp in this.... and how
Just attached a screenshots of it.

sepultura 发表于 2022-7-6 03:27:34

I forgot to say that lisp is available as babacad extension module (bem). After babacad 1.3 install go to and download and install "LISP extension 1.0". You will get BabaCADLispExtension.bem in \ProgramFiles\BabaCAD\BabaCAD\ExtensionModules\.
I made lisp as separate module cause future improvements and easier programming and bugs fixing.
Most of autolisp functions are implemented (defun cmdname(), defun c:cmdname(a b / c d e),princ,print,setq,entsel,entget,ssget,ssget "X",ssadd,entmod,eq,equal,,+,-,/,*,sqrt,cos,sin,atan,angle,distance,polar,getint,getreal,getdist,getstring,list,car,cadr,nth,assoc,repeat,while,if...). I'm working on missing functions like mapcar, foreach, strcat, str...
You can appload lisp or you can type in command line like (setq a 100 b 3)(setq c (/ a b))(defun c:mycmd() (princ "testing...")(princ))mycmd ... or you can even go to next line with enter and continue to write lisp until last bracket.

sepultura 发表于 2022-7-6 03:35:38

Did you install lisp extension? Can I get any feedback from you?
I have uploaded some lisp routines for test in If anyone want to play with animations (something you can't do in other lisp-enabled cad software) download carmove.lsp from upload/lisp and sport_car.dxf from upload/dxf and try. First appload and browse for carmove.lsp. Then type 'carinit' cmd and follow to select car-body and tires and animation speed. After that, type 'carmove' cmd to see car moving animation. You can also insert your favorite car blocks and play with it (you will see block explorer palette on left side). This is only demostration of new animation feature for lisp (you will find only one babacad lisp specific function (bc-prefix) to enable animations, and everything else are well known lisp functions).
Here is screen snapshot of new BabaCAD 1.3 features

satishrajdev 发表于 2022-7-6 03:48:17

No... You said it has limited functions of Autolisp, so I didn't install lisp extension, I'll try it some free time,
Will come back to you in...
Thanks for the info...

sepultura 发表于 2022-7-6 03:52:32

You must have misunderstood me because i didn't say that "it is lisp with limited functions". I just said that I'm finishing lisp for final release 1.3 and I have to code a few more functions like mapcar, foreach, some string manipulation func and so. Beta pre-release is available for test purposes, but if you are good in lisp you can find very useful even with those functions that are already implemented. It would be big help for me if users would send me some feedback. Without feedback I will need more time to write code and test it in same time.
Also I'm not saying that lisp will be 100% compatible with autolisp as I'm working alone against maybe hundreds of developers being involved in autolisp programming for AutoCAD,BricsCAD...
I hope you all will appreciate my efforts to bring lisp programming to many engineers who have no chance to buy expensive CAD with lisp support. I don't expect that someone will leave AutoCAD and start using BabaCAD, cause it's absurd. But if you stick in some situations when you don't have lisp-enabled software you can help yourself and finish some hard work by quickly writing lisp routine or find useful lisps on internet.

Organic 发表于 2022-7-6 04:06:46

I tried out and it looks like a nice little program.
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