Auto Cad保护的Lisp?:
如何保护auto cad lisp? 你到底想做什么???是否要将Lisp(*.lsp)文件转换为快速安全的(*.fas)文件?
;;LSP2FAS.lsp ; Scot Harris11-29-2012
;; Minimizes the sequence needed to create FAS files.
;; Help facility added.
;; Streamlined from original program provided by aqdam1978.
(defun c:LSP2FAS-Help (/)
(alert (strcat
"\tLisp (LSP) to Fast and Secure (FAS) Help"
"\n "
"\nFile dialog begins in the current directory. "
"\nIt is suggested to place and open a drawing (DWG) "
"\ninside the input folder you wish to batch process. "
"\n "
"\nOutput file will be in the same folder as the file selected. "
"\n "
"\nThere is no provisional check for an existing FAS file of the same name. "
);end LSP2FAS-Help
(defun c:LSP2FAS ( / a )
(prompt " Lisp to Fast and Secure (FAS). LSP2FAS-Help available. ")
(if (wcmatch (strcase (setq a (getfiled "Convert LSP File to FAS" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "" 16))) "*.LSP")
(c:vlide)(vlisp-compile 'st a)
(princ (strcat "\n File " (vl-string-subst ".fas" ".lsp" a) " created. "))
(alert "File extension must be \".LSP\" ")
);end LSP2FAS 1) 您可以使用FAS(例如,使用vlisp编译函数)。
2) 您可以将其转换为VLX应用程序(加密的LISP文件)。
保护这个简单的Lisp程序真的重要吗? 太晚了。我已经偷了。
当你的工作值得保护时,保护它不是一个坏主意。但不是每一件简单的事情都会让你在新手学员面前看起来像个巨人 请阅读代码发布指南并编辑您的帖子,将代码包含在代码标签中。