Align text on lines, arcs and
Here is another download link of my lisp fileI've just upgrade it. To professionals, it is a little bit too messy. But it is very useful to me for years working with AutoCAD.
There are 2 commands: ALT(AlignText) and = (Match text value)
"ALT" would ask you to select text, or mtext, or attribute definition, or attribute reference, then pick on lines, or arcs, or polylines (within block or xref all ok)
The selected text would be align the same as the current dimension style. You can press TAB to flip to either side, or M or C to switch to move or copy text method.
"=" command would ask you to select any text source (dimension or attribute ok) then copy the text content to other text targets.
This video would give you a good preview:
What a pitty that this ALT doesnot work with circle.
I am going to upgrade it and some more lisps. Hope you like it
Update New Version on App Exchange Store
P/s : dạo này 7cad còn nhiều người phát triển không a Linh ? I found there are about 3 other align text commands by Lee Mac. They are all genius. Though, this ALT command still a good different choice. Ain't pretty but works.
@ketxu: There is a good one: YourSteel Do you think you can translate it to .NET ? Yeah, may be, with VBA code u can tranfer to ^^