(set ss (entsel))You can do the command that way, just realize that it is still active, unless you end it with "".
(command "fillet" "r"0.07 "") There can be good reasons to keep it active.
I'm not sure what is causing the irritation here.Perhaps, this in combination with other posts?
hosyn, are you actually trying to learn LISP, or are you mainly trying to find routines to suit your needs?You might want to be clear about this.If the former, then you will be expected to learn the basics.If the latter, then say so in such a way that it is clear.Right now it looks like you are attempting the former, but without really putting forth the effort.No one is going to want to continue wasting their time trying to teach you if you do not even try to comprehend the simplest things. BTW, If English is a barrier for you, then you should explain that as well. Hi, fixo. Hope this doesn't make you madder but... are you sure about that?It seems to me that this can be a place to learn the basics, as it seems to me that Isee several people doing just that. Of course, not everyone should feel obligatedto help with that sort of thing.I've read a number of your posts, so I know you are a real expert:thumbsup: and may not feel it is your job. I'd certainly agree that your time could be better spent than teaching basics.
BTW, I like your quote.I've read several of his novels, including "The Brothers Karamazov", though none in the original!But why isn't it titled "The Karamazov Brothers" in English? Thanks for the pointing me that, I agreed with you.
But in my opinion I would be learn instead from www.afralisp.com or from other place,
if somebody haven't have a good book to learn AutoLisp, though F1 is good friend for such guys too,
then I will be post my question about current problem.
I'm a little sick now, probably by this reason I'm so mad
Oleg Oleg, thanks for the clarification.I hope hosyn is able to take advantage of your helpful LISP learning suggestions.And I hope you get well a lot sooner. Thanks neophoible,