what's wrong in my code-i
I wanna to insert block with the names :a11,a12,a13,a14...in my drawing one by one . How I can do it with the unik command same as: insb .??(DEFUN C:Insb()(COMMAND "_insert" a11 pause 1 1 )(COMMAND "_insert" a12 pause 1 1 )(COMMAND "_insert" a13 pause 1 1 )(COMMAND "_insert" a14 pause 1 1 )) You should provided the names as string; the command call is also missing the angle argument.
(DEFUN C:Insb()(COMMAND "_insert" "a11" pause 1 1 0 )(COMMAND "_insert" "a12" pause 1 1 0 )(COMMAND "_insert" "a13" pause 1 1 0 )(COMMAND "_insert" "a14" pause 1 1 0 ))
Don't miss, please, that the code will do the insertion only if the said block definitions were already available in the drawing or were located in a Support File Search Path folder (check in OPTIONS --> Files). Dear MSasu , so thanx for your answer
I check this code everything is ok just when i insert this block i couldn't rotate them .I know that the zero (0) at the end of each line means that the angle rotation is zero.so i delete this zero from lines and run it again but after insert the first onethe program interrupt and insert just "a11" with rotation..!!!!!!!
I wanna rotation capability for each insert of my block ,how i can???? To allow user to have control over the insertion angle, use a PAUSE statement instead of a value for its argument:
(COMMAND "_insert" "a11" pause 1 1 pause ) greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat soooooooooooooooo thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxto Mr MSasu .
It's that just I wanna .thanx a lot for your aid .:):):) You're welcome, Hosyn! Glad I could helped! Please use Code Tags for your code.