(defun c:tapconvert ()
; *Runs various upgrades to tap cards converted from DGNs
; *Changes layer names to friendly names, sets layer colors, sets active layer to Dimensions1, locks the 0 layer,
;inserts blocks from block library, replaces symbols for objects with blocks, removes duplicate items,
; purges unused items, zooms to extents, saves and closes the drawing.
; *Changes layer names from Microstation Levels to friendly names*
(setq old_name "Level 1" new_name "Border")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 2" new_name "Roadway")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 3" new_name "Road_Name")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 4" new_name "Building")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 5" new_name "Street_Text")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 6" new_name "Walkway")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 7" new_name "Top_Text")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 8" new_name "Water_Main")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 10" new_name "Dimensions1")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 11" new_name "Misc_Text")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 12" new_name "Reducer")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 15" new_name "Meter_Pit")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 22" new_name "Curb_Valve")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 26" new_name "Service_Tap")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 30" new_name "Manhole")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 37" new_name "Catch_Basin")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 60" new_name "Dimensions2")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(setq old_name "Level 63" new_name "Misc")
(command "-rename" "layer" old_name new_name)
(command "-overkill" "ALL" "" ""); Removes duplicate drawing elements for cleanup / file size reduction
(command "purge" "A" "*" "N"); Purges all unused layers, blocks, etc. from the drawing to reduce file size*
; *Recreates and colors all layers to account for purged/removed layers*
(command "-layer" "M" "Border" "C" "T" "255,255,255" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Building" "C" "T" "184,121,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Catch_Basin" "C" "T" "185,185,185" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Curb_Valve" "C" "T" "255,0,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Dimensions2" "C" "T" "185,185,185" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Manhole" "C" "T" "185,185,185" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Meter_Pit" "C" "T" "184,121,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Misc" "C" "T" "185,185,185" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Misc_Text" "C" "T" "0,255,255" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Reducer" "C" "T" "255,0,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Road_Name" "C" "T" "165,135,115" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Roadway" "C" "T" "165,135,115" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Service_Tap" "C" "T" "184,121,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Street_Text" "C" "T" "184,121,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Top_Text" "C" "T" "184,121,0" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Walkway" "C" "T" "165,135,115" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Water_Main" "C" "T" "0,135,255" "" "")
(command "-layer" "M" "Dimensions1" "C" "T" "185,185,185" "" ""); Recreates and colors Dimensions1 last to make it the active layer for editing
(command "-layer" "LO" "0" ""); *Locks the zero layer*
; *Sets dimension style settings: all dimension scaling to 28x default, 1 decimal point, rounds to 1/2 foot, adds foot indicator*
(setvar "DIMSCALE" 28)
(setvar "DIMDEC" 1)
(setvar "DIMRND" 0.5)
(setvar "DIMPOST" "'")
(command "zoom" "e"); Zooms to extents
;(command "qsave") ; Saves drawing but Autoscript does this automatically
;(command "close") ; Closes drawing but Autoscript does this automatically
(princ "Processes Complete!")
在代码结束时,我遇到了一个放大错误的问题,我发现问题出在我的情况下,我的DWG中有两个布局(Layout1和Layout2)的视口。。。看起来其中一个布局中的较大视口阻止了我在模型空间中进行最大化缩放(tilemode 1)。。。所以我决定在代码结束时切换到所有布局,然后切换到(tilemode 1)并进行最大化。。。经过这个过程,ACAD允许我正确缩放。。。我不知道这是否是与我和我的代码相同的问题,但最好做些改变并观察结果,而不是什么都不做,让它被机器打败-ACAD。。。
(foreach lay (layoutlist)
(setvar 'ctab lay)
(setvar 'tilemode 1)
(command "_.zoom" "e")
M、 R。 问题是,我没有使用任何布局,因为这些图纸都是简单的范围打印,8.5x11。