User input: Getpoint OR real a
Hi everybody,First thing I want to apologize if something that I wrote sounds strange. Im spanish and my english is not as good as it should be=P.
Im learling little by little autolisp things, mostly strugling through examples, codes, etc... many of them from this forum so I thank you a lot ^_^.
At this moment I'm developing a routine that breaks/trims walls in order to insert doors or windows, and, after looking for it a few days, I would like to know if there's a way to use a number that users input on the command line (in a getpoint) without getting an error.,... wich is that happends everytime =/.
;; HOLE-O-MaTIC 2000;;by Arturo Blanco Ureña. 2013;; Breaks "walls" in order to insert windows or doors;; Based initialy on code from Pavel Chour error1 (errmsg)(command "_undo" "_end")(setvar "CMDECHO" 1)(setvar "OSMODE" osmodevar)(setq *error* temperr)(prompt "\nAchtung!!! Verboten!!! Error!!!\n") (princ) )(defun c:holes(/ );P1a P2a P1 P2 P3 P4 A1 A2) (setq osmodevar (getvar 'OSMODE)temperr *error**error* error1 ) (if (not ancho) (setq ancho 1.50)) (setq Tancho (rtos ancho)P1 "Width") (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (command "_undo" "_begin") (setvar "osmode" 512);I'm using this structure in order to go back to the menu so I can change my mind several times. ;Don't know if there's a better way =P.;--- (while (= P1 "Width")(initget 128)(setq P1 (getpoint (strcat "\nSelect Point or :")))(cond ((numberp P1) (setq ancho P1) ;trying to recognice P1 as a number but always goes on error =/ (setq Tancho (rtos ancho)));cond1 ((= P1 "Width")(setvar "osmode" 35) (setq ancho (getdist "\nWidth of the Door/window?:")) (setq Tancho (rtos ancho)));cond2 );end cond);end while ;---(cond ((= P1 "Center") (setvar "OSMODE" 518) ;If the user want to break from the center of the window. (setq P1a (getpoint (strcat "\nSelect center :"))) (setvar "OSMODE" 128) (setq P2a (getpoint P1a "\nSelect the other side of the wall:") A1 (angle P1a P2a) A2 (+ (* pi 1.5) A1) P1 (polar P1a A2 (* ancho 0.5)) P3 (polar P1a A2 (* ancho -0.5)) P2 (polar P2a A2 (* ancho 0.5)) P4 (polar P2a A2 (* ancho -0.5)) ) );end cond1(T (setvar "osmode" 128) ;if he/she wants to start from one side (setq P2 (getpoint P1 "\nSelect the other side of the wall:")) (setvar "osmode" 512) (setq A1 (angle P1 P2) A2 (+ (* pi 1.5) A1) P3 (polar P1 A2 ancho) P4 (polar P2 A2 ancho) P1a (polar P1 A2 (* ancho 0.5)) P2a (polar P2 A2 (* ancho 0.5)) ) );end else);end cond(setvar "osmode" 512) (command "_break" P1 P3 "_break" P2 P4 "_line" P1 P2 "") (setq L1 (entlast)) (command "_line" P3 P4 "") (setq L2 (entlast));I add this in order to trim extra lines in the middle of the wall. (command "_trim" L1 L2 "" "B" P1a P2a "" "")(command "_undo" "_end") (setvar "CMDECHO" 1) (setvar "OSMODE" osmodevar) (setq *error* temperr) (princ));end
As you see You can enter the "Width" to give it, but I would like to simply write down a number when asking for a point, recognize that is a number and use it as the value of the variant. If a point is entered, then continue normally.
Im a bit shy and its the first time i post a code. I have used several pieces of code from others to arrange the error handling/undo and its originally based on one tutorial from Pavel Chour, so I dont know if its right that I give permission or not to use it, or even its worth it (the trim still fails and i dont really get why ) but If anyone want to use it feel free.
Any tips critics and opinions are welcome also