Greenuser 发表于 2022-7-6 07:20:01


im使用的(部门)链测长度宏会输出多行文字,如1000.00 1100.000,但是我的项目经理希望在计划中以公里为单位。

MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 07:25:02


Greenuser 发表于 2022-7-6 07:30:28

我不熟悉它编码lisp Vba等。因此加入这里学习。我敢肯定,这是一个定制,虽然它的标准为该部门。这是一个。exe,提取到Acad这就是我所知道的这个(CHG)链接宏是存储在定制中的许多宏之一。如果可能的话,我希望在CHG宏后对问题进行排序,或者我可以尝试定位是否存储了代码(我需要一些说明)。我不能张贴。exe,但谷歌主要raods自定义和它的顶部链接即时消息使用2010年地图。谢谢MSasu

Greenuser 发表于 2022-7-6 07:32:17

; Functions used in MR_Chainage (CHG)
;; Build a list containing all the Vertexes and bulge factors
; Requires a variable entlist for use in the locate1stvert routine as well
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun BuildVertList ()

(locate1stvert entlist) ; locate the first vertex in the entity data
(setq VertCount 1) ; Initialise the vertex number count
(setq VertList nil) ; Initialise the VertList Variable
(while (<= VertCount VertNum)
(setq checkval (car (nth n entlist)))
(if (= (car (nth n entlist)) 10)
; Set the point data to a point variable in the form of a list (X, Y, Z)
(setq VertPt (trans (list (cadr (nth n entlist )) (caddr (nth n entlist )) 0.0) 0 1))
; Extract the bulge factor
(setq n (+ n 3))
(setq BulgeFactor (cdr (nth n entlist)))
(setq VertList (append VertList (list VertPt BulgeFactor)))
(setq n (1+ n))
(setq VertCount (1+ VertCount))
) ; end of progn
) ; end of if
(setq n (1+ n))
) ; End While
; ****************************************************************************************************
; This function converts Cartesian to Compass and vice versa
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun cart2comp (angdegs)
(if (< angdegs 90)
(setq angdegs (- 90 angdegs))
(if (< angdegs 180)
(setq angdegs (+ (- 90 angdegs) 360))
(if (< angdegs 270)
(setq angdegs (+ (- 90 (- angdegs 180)) 180))
(setq angdegs (+ (- 90 (- angdegs 270)) 90))
; ****************************************************************************************************
; Configures the retrieved DIMSCALE and USERI2 values for display in a message dialogue
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun ConfigSc4Disp ()
(if (= (rtos basesel 2 0) "") ; Start of If 1
(setq basesel 0)
) ; End of If 1
(if (= basesel 0) ; Start of If 2
(progn ; Then
(setq DispScText (strcat "The Current scale is " DimScVal ". Is this correct?"))
) ; End of If 2 then progn
(progn ; Else
(setq DispScText (strcat "The Current scale is " DimScVal ". Is this correct?"))
) ; End of If 2 Else progn
) ; End of If 2
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "MR_Dialogues.dcl")) ; Initialise the Dialogue box
(if (not (new_dialog "message_disp_curr_scale" dcl_id)) (exit)) ; Open the dialogue box
(set_tile "msg" DispScText)
(action_tile "Yesbtn" "(done_dialog 1)" ) ; Set and action for the OK Button
(setq msgresp (start_dialog)) ; Execute the dialogue box and retrieve a response when a button is pushed
(unload_dialog dcl_id) ; Remove the dialogue box from memory
) ; End of ConfigSc4Disp

; ****************************************************************************************************
; Create a dumbell block
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun createdumbell ()
; Create a selection set to capture any existing dumbell blocks
(setq dbellsset (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 "dumbell"))))
(if (= dbellsset nil) ; If there are no dumbell blocks in the drawing
(progn ; then create it
(command "zoom" "w" "-10,-10" "10,10")
(command "line" "-2.5,0" "2.5,0" "")
(command "circle" "-3.5,0" "1")
(command "circle" "3.5,0" "1")
(setvar "CANNOSCALE" "1:1000 (m)")
(command "block" "dumbell" "A" "Y" "N" "0,0" "w" "-5,-2" "5,2" "")
(command "zoom" "p")
) ; end of block create
) ; End of if
) ; End of defun
; ****************************************************************************************************
; Create a dumbell block
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun createchgtick ()
; Create a selection set to capture any existing dumbell blocks
(setq chgticksset (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 "chgtick"))))
(if (= chgticksset nil) ; If there are no dumbell blocks in the drawing
(progn ; then create it
(command "zoom" "w" "-10,-10" "10,10")
(command "line" "-2.5,0" "2.5,0" "")
(setvar "CANNOSCALE" "1:1000 (m)")
(command "block" "chgtick" "A" "Y" "N" "0,0" "w" "-5,-2" "5,2" "")
(command "zoom" "p")
) ; end of block create
) ; End of if
) ; End of defun

; **********************************************************************************************
; Find where a nominated point is on the alignment
; **********************************************************************************************
(defun FindSegmentNumber (CheckPt)
(setq whilecheck 1) ; Initialise the whilecheck variable. This keeps a count on the vertexes.
(setq segnumber nil) ; INitialise the detected segment number variable
(setq n 0 ) ; Initialise the group code counter to 0
(locate1stvert entlist) ; locate the first vertex. function defined above.

(While (< (1- whilecheck) VertNum) ; While there are still vertexes to process

; Set the point data to a point variable in the form of a list (X, Y, Z)
(setq ptStartSeg (trans (list (cadr (nth n entlist )) (caddr (nth n entlist )) 0.0) 0 1))
; Extract the bulge factor
(setq n (+ n 3))
(setq BulgeFactor (cdr (nth n entlist)))
; **************************************************************************************
; Establish whether the element is a curve or a straight
; **************************************************************************************
(if (/= BulgeFactor 0) ; If the Bulgfactor is not equal to 0 then we are on a curve
(progn ; Then we are on a curve
; Extract the next point
(setq n (+ n 2))
(setq ptEndSeg (trans (list (cadr (nth n entlist )) (caddr (nth n entlist )) 0.0) 0 1)) ; Set the point data to a point variable in the form of a list (X, Y, Z)
(GetRadiusBulgeAndPoints BulgeFactor ptStartSeg ptEndSeg) ; Calculate the radius (GetRadiusBulgeAndPoints sets a variable Radius and is defined in system.lsp)
(setq CurveFlag 1)
) ; End of progn
(progn ; Else extract the next point to process a straight
(setq n (+ n 2))
(setq ptEndSeg (trans (list (cadr (nth n entlist )) (caddr (nth n entlist )) 0.0) 0 1)) ; Set the point data to a point variable in the form of a list (X, Y, Z)
(setq CurveFlag 0)
) ; End of progn
) ; End of If

; **************************************************************************************
; Is the Start Point within the element
; **************************************************************************************

; **************************************************************************************
; **************************************************************************************
(If (= CurveFlag 0) ; If the element is a straight
(Progn ; Then
(setq SegLength (distance ptStartSeg ptEndSeg) ; Get the length and angle of the first segment
SegAngle (rtd (angle ptStartSeg ptEndSeg)))
(setq ReqdPtLen (distance ptStartSeg CheckPt) ; Get the distance from the first segment point to the selected point
ReqdPtAng (rtd (angle ptStartSeg CheckPt)))
; If the distance and angle to the required point are zero, then we have coincident points at the start of the segment
; and the current segment is the one required
(if (and (= ReqdPtLen 0) (= ReqdPtAng 0))
(setq SegNumber whilecheck) ; Set the segment number (the whilecheck value can be used for this)
(setq whilecheck Vertnum) ; Now that the element has been found we need to set the whilecheck to exit the routine
(If (and (<= ReqdPtLen Seglength) (= (rtos SegAngle 2 3) (rtos ReqdPtAng 2 3))) ; If the Segment length is greater and the angle is the same
; to three decimals, then the point must be on the segment
(setq SegNumber whilecheck) ; Set the segment number (the whilecheck value can be used for this)
(setq whilecheck Vertnum) ; Now that the element has been found we need to set the whilecheck to exit the routine
) ; End of Progn
); End if If

; This can be used now to determine the vertexes to be extracted. i.e. Segment number 1 goes from Vertex 1 to Vertex 2
; It is safe to say that the Segment number is also the first point number on the segment.
); End of first Progn

; **************************************************************************************
; **************************************************************************************
(Progn ; Else if the element is a curve
(setq InclAngle (rtd (* (atan BulgeFactor) 4))) ; Calculate the included angle (rtd is defined in system.lsp)

; Make the Included Angle positive if it is negative. The bulge factor can be used later to determine the hand of the arc
(if (< InclAngle 0) ; If the angle is negative
(setq InclAngle (* InclAngle -1))
(setq triAngles (/ (- 180 InclAngle) 2)) ; Calculate the other equilateral angles
; Find the centre of the arc
(if (< BulgeFactor 0) ; If the Bulge Factor is negative
(progn ; Then the arc is clockwise
(setq ChordAng (rtd (angle ptStartSeg ptEndSeg)))
(setq CentAng (dtr (- ChordAng triAngles)))
(setq CentPt (polar ptStartSeg CentAng Radius))
;(command "line" CentPt ptStartSeg "")
(progn ; Else the arc is Anticlockwise
(setq ChordAng (rtd (angle ptStartSeg ptEndSeg)))
(setq CentAng (dtr (+ ChordAng triAngles)))
(setq CentPt (polar ptStartSeg CentAng Radius))
;(command "line" CentPt ptStartSeg "")
) ; End of find centre If
; Determine the angle between the centre and the selected point
(setq ptAngle (rtd (angle CentPt CheckPt))) ; Calculate the angle from centrepoint to selected point
(setq SegStAngle (rtd (angle CentPt ptStartSeg))) ; Calculate the angle from centrepoint to segment start point
(setq SelPtAngDiff (- SegStAngle PtAngle)) ; Calculate the angle difference
(setq SelPt2CentDist (distance CentPt CheckPt)) ; Calculate the distance from centrepoint to selected point

(if (and (<= SelPtAngDiff InclAngle) (= (rtos Radius 2 3) (rtos SelPt2CentDist 2 3))) ; If the angle is less than the curve angle and the distance
; equals the radius, then the point must be on the current arc
(setq SegNumber whilecheck) ; Set the segment number (the whilecheck value can be used for this)
(setq whilecheck Vertnum) ; Now that the element has been found we need to set the whilecheck to exit the routine
) ; End of progn
) ; End of Pt Check If

) ; End of curve Progn

) ; End of If
(setq whilecheck (1+ whilecheck)) ; Increment the whilecheck by 1
); End Of While

; ****************************************************************************************************
; Displays a dialogue requesting a scale value
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun getascale()
; This is the original LISP code now replaced by the VBA routine above in ACAD.DVB
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "MR_Dialogues.dcl")) ; Load the dialogue file
(if (not (new_dialog "ScaleList" dcl_id)) (exit)) ; Load the dialogue definition from the file
(start_list "scale_val") ; Start the process for adding values to the pop-ip
(setq scalelist (list "" "1" "2" "5" "10" "20" "25" "50" "100" "125" "200" "250" "500" "1000" "1250" "2000" "2500" "5000" "10000" "20000" "25000" "50000" "100000"))
(mapcar 'add_list scalelist) ; process the values in ListOfLayouts into the list
(end_list) ; Close the list creation process
;(setq SelLayout (nth 0 ListOfLayouts)) ; Set the first entry as a default value
(action_tile "one2one" "(setq basesel \"1\")") ; get the response if 1:1 is selected
(action_tile "onethous" "(setq basesel \"0\")") ; get the response if 1:1 is selected
(action_tile "scale_val" "(process_scalepopup)") ; Set a variable based on the value in the box
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)" ) ; Set and action for the cancel button
(action_tile "ok" "(done_dialog 1)" ) ; Set and action for the OK Button
(setq setcmd (start_dialog)) ; Get a response from the dialogue box.vp
(unload_dialog dcl_id) ; Ensure that the dialogue box is unloaded
; ****************************************************************************************************
; Retrieves the first vertex from the list generated by BuildVertList
; Used in LAA defined in acaddoc.lsp
; ****************************************************************************************************
(defun getvertex1 (entname)
; Get the entity list using the entity name
(setq entlist (entget entname))
; Get the number of vertices
(setq VertNum (cdr (assoc 90 entlist)))
; Build a more easily used list of the vertices and the bulge factors
; Extract the first and second vertices from the list
(setq vertpt1 (nth 0 vertlist))
; ****************************************************************************************************

MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 07:37:40

;**************************************************************************************************************;用于放置蝌蚪符号的可重复代码****************************************************************************************************(defun placetad(TadPt ScalePt)(命令“layer”“T”“MRR\u tadpolis”“)(if(=(getvar“PSTYLEMODE”)0)(命令“layer”“M”“MRR\u tadpolis”“C”“2”“L”“Continuous”“LW”“0.25”“PS”“Black\u 025”“);创建文本要进入的层(命令“layer”“M”“MRR\u tadpolis”“C”“2”“L”“Continuous”“”“LW”“0.25”“”“);为要进入的文本创建层)(setq SaveOSMode(getvar“OSMODE”)(setq scaledit(distance TadPt ScalePT))(setvar“ANGBASE”0)(setvar“ANGDIR”0)(setvar“OSMODE”0)(if(=TadStyle“Tadpole”)(progn(if(=(rem half count 2)0);如果半计数是偶数,则(setq ScaleDist(rtos(/ScaleDist 3)2 3));将蝌蚪再缩放0.5(setq ScaleDist(rtos(/ScaleDist 1.5)2 3));否则缩放以适应接口之间。)(命令“insert”“Tadpole”TadPt ScaleDist”“ScalePt));蝌蚪插入结束(progn;如果这是一只扁虱式蝌蚪(If(=(rem half count 2)0);如果半计数是偶数,则(progn(命令行“TadPt ScalePt”“)(命令“length”“P”50 ScalePt”“)(progn(命令行“TadPt ScalePt”“)))(setvar“OSMODE”SaveOSMode)(setvar“ANGDIR”currANGDIR)(setvar“ANGBASE”currANGBASE));**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************;用于放置哑铃的可重复代码****************************************************************************************************(defun placedbell(TickPt TextAngle)(if(=(getvar“PSTYLEMODE”)0)(命令“layer”“M”“MR\u chaineage\u TICKS”“C”“7”“L”“Continuous”“PS”“Black\u 025”“);为文本创建图层(命令“layer”“M”“MR\u CHAINAGE\u TICKS”“C”“7”“L”“Continuous”“”“”);为要进入的文本创建层)(setq SaveOSMode(getvar“OSMODE”))(setvar“ANGBASE”0)(setvar“ANGDIR”0)(setvar“OSMODE”0)(命令“insert”“dumbell”TickPt 1”“TextAngle)(setvar“OSMODE”SaveOSMode)(setvar“ANGDIR”currANGDIR)(setvar“ANGBASE”currANGBASE));**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************;用于设置默认命名打印样式的可重复代码****************************************************************************************************(defun c:SetDefaultPStyle()(vl load COM)(vla put样式表(vla get ActiveLayout(vla get ActiveDocument(vlax get acad object)))“MR_Full Size Colour.stb”);********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************;设置默认的DWS文件;******************************************************************************************************************************************************************;;;用法(c:AddDWS(findfile“MyStandards.dws”);;;迈克尔·帕克特;;;R、 罗伯特·贝尔;;(defun c:SetDefaultDWS(fileN/dictN eDict xrInt)(defun c:SetDefaultDWS(/dictN eDict xrInt)(setq fileN“c:/Apps/MR\u CUST/ACAD/ACAD2010/templates/Main Roads Standard.dws”);查找主要道路图纸标准文件的位置(setq dictN“AcStStandard”法令(cond((cdr(assoc-1(dictsearch(namedobjdict)dictN))((dictadd(namedobjdict)dictN(entmakex’((0。“DICTIONARY”)(100。“AcDbDictionary”)))(if(setq xrInt(cdrs 3(entget DICTT)))(setq xrInt(1+(应用‘max(mapcar’atoi xrInt)))))(setq xrInt 0))(dictadd DICTT(itoa xrInt)(entmakex(list’(0。“XRECORD”)'(100。“AcDbXrecord”)(cons 1 fileN)));函数结束(defun cdrs(key lst/pair rtn)(while(setq pair(assoc key lst))(setq rtn(cons(cdr pair)rtn)lst(cdr(member pair lst))))(reverse rtn));;;;***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************;;;;确保正确设置了标准层;;;;***************************************************************************************************************************************************;;;(defun c:SetLayerDefaults();查找图层标准文本文件的位置。应在C:\Apps\MR\u CUST\ACAD\ACAD2010\lsp\u dotNet\LISP;;;(setq LayStdFile(findfile“MR Standard Layer Definitions.txt”);打开文件进行读取;;;(setq#LayStdFile(open LayStdFile“r”);阅读标题行。为了三行,就把它们一行接一行读;;;(setq文件行(读取行#LayStdFile));;;(setq文件行(读取行#LayStdFile));;;(setq文件行(读取行#LayStdFile));现在我们进入了文件主体;;;(while;while我们不在文件的末尾;;(setq FileLine(read line#LayStdFile));阅读下一行;;结束层默认值;**************************************************************************************************************************************************************;用于定位文本插入和文本角度的可重复代码****************************************************************************************************(defun txtptandagline(AlignPt SegAngle)(setq TextAngle(+SegAngle 90))(setq TextPt(polar AlignPt(dtr TextAngle)Choff))(defun txtptandagarc(AlignPt PtAngle)(if(<凸度因子0);如果凸出系数为负(setq TextAngle PtAngle);存储Chaiage文本的角度(setq TextAngle(-PtAngle 180));存储字符文本的角度)(setq TextPt(polar AlignPt(dtr TextAngle)Choff));***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************;用于定位蝌蚪角度的可重复代码****************************************************************************************************(defun TadAngLine(AlignPt SegAngle)(setq TadAngle(+SegAngle 90)))(defun TadAngArc(AlignPt PtAngle)(if(<凸度因子0);如果凸出系数为负(setq TadAngle PtAngle);存储蝌蚪的角度(setq TadAngle(-PtAngle 180));存储蝌蚪的角度);*****************************************************************************************************************;根据getascale中的选择重置DIMSCALE和USERI2系统变量****************************************************************************************************(defun ResetScVals();根据选择重置DIMSCALE和USERI2变量(如果(=basesel“”);如果答案为nothing(从If 3开始(setq basesel“0”);将1:1000的答案设置为0);if 3结束(if(=basesel“0”);If 4的开始(progn;Then(setq AnnoScaleText(strcat“1:(rtos selscale 2 0)”(m)”)(setvar“CANNOSCALE”AnnoScaleText);(setvar“DIMSCALE”(/selscale 1000));变量从2008年起不再可用(setvar“USERI2”0);If 4 Then progn结束(progn;Else(setq AnnoScaleText(strcat“1:(rtos selscale 2 0)”(mm)”)(setvar“CANNOSCALE”AnnoScaleText);(setvar“DIMSCALE”selscale);变量从2008年起不再可用(setvar“USERI2”1);If 4 Else程序结束);If 4结束);ResetScVals函数结束(defun purgegroups1(一个/计数i个组)(vl load com);;当前文档的get groups集合(setq groups(vla get groups(vla get activedocument(vlax get acad object)))count(vla get count groups);#图纸i 0中的组数;循环计数器)(如果有(setq num 1);清除一个实体和空组(setq num 0);仅清除空组)(while(<i(vla get count group));删除时更新vla get count!(如果(

fuccaro 发表于 2022-7-6 07:39:47


MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 07:41:27


Greenuser 发表于 2022-7-6 07:46:16


MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 07:50:34


Greenuser 发表于 2022-7-6 07:54:07

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