Lee At Lee's suggestion here, I read through this thread, and thought I'd share that my office recently experienced an Acad.fas / AcadDoc.fas / BakDwg.fas virus.
My initial thought as well (once the servers, and computers were cleaned up), was to write a LISP function to 'kill' this virus, but how to ensure that my function is loaded first (before those within the project directories), and my limited testing showed that simply registering a .NET assembly does the trick.
Sample command line output at startup:
Loading AEC Base...Loading AEC Base Extended...Loading AEC Base UI...Loading AEC Project Base...Loading AEC Base GUI...Loading AEC Schedule Data...Loading AEC Project UI...Loading AEC Utilities...Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: DONTYOUWANTTOKNOWCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CIVILCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACADCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: TOOLBASEDRIBBONCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: TASKBASEDRIBBONCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTODESKSEEKCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTOCADRASTERDESIGNCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESSCustomization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: AUTOTURNLoading AECC Base...Initializing....There are no valid MS Jet providers installed......Done.Loading AECC Land...Loading AECC Subentity Selection...Loading Modeler DLLs.Loading AECC Pipe Part...Loading AECC QTO......Loading AECC Pipe Network...Loading AECC Roadway...Loading AECC Survey...Loading AEC Schedule...Loading AECC Plan Production...Loading AEC Architectural Base...Loading AEC Structural Base...Loading AEC Area Base...Loading AEC Dimensions Base...Loading AecCivilBase...Loading AECC Building Site...Loading AECC Point Cloud...Regenerating model.Loading AECC Hydrology...Loading AECC Base UI...Loading AECC Event Viewer...Loading AECC Land UI...Loading AECC QTO UI...Loading AECC Pipe Network UI...Loading AECC Roadway UI...Loading AECC Survey UI...Loading AECC Plan Production UI...Loading AECC Publish UI...Loading AECC AeccUiHydrology...Loading AECC Mapcheck...Loading AECC Mapcheck UI...Loading AECC Building Site UI...Loading AECC Point Cloud UI...Loading AECC Management UI...Loading AECC Model UI...** Bow ties are cool **... Acad.lsp loaded.AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.Regenerating model.... AcadDoc.lsp loaded.AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.... CUIx *.mnl files loadedCommand: _RIBBONCommand: COMMANDLINEPseudo code used to test this theory:
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;using System;namespace TheDoctorSays{ public class BowTiesAreCool : IExtensionApplication { void IExtensionApplication.Initialize() { Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application. DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.WriteMessage( "\n** Bow ties are cool ** " ); } void IExtensionApplication.Terminate() { } }}Sample .REG file to register an autoloading .NET assembly:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\Applications\]"DESCRIPTION"="Your description""LOADCTRLS"=dword:00000002"LOADER"="\\\\.dll""MANAGED"=dword:00000001... More on LOADCTRLS.