Layouts to Model's using
Hello Ppl everything fine?i found this post regarding my topic but this lisp creates dwg with all the data inside and i wanna modify it to use "export layout to model" (EXPORTLAYOUT) existing command in cad.
Is this possible????
thx in advance
regards By the way as you may notice i do not understand much about lisp.....
but in logic the program would run:
1) ask for a prefix name
2) select layout 1
3) do EXPORTLAYOUT and save with prefix followed by layout name
4) run till there are no layouts
p.s. is this also possible to run using all the files open??? Or perhaps the best way is to change the original script to erase all objects except the ones that appear inside the layout.
Can this be done????? sorry for anoying but this will make my life quite easier ))
thx well i just found another thread that covers what i want but needs some modifications.
thx i will continue on this new thread
sorry for the mess