Bill Tillman 发表于 2022-7-6 07:40:31

AutoCAD 2013: Message Not Show

I'm working with our new copy of AutoCAD 2013 and using the VisualLISP IDE to create code. I also have an AC2009 machine right next to mefor other tasks. On the 2013 machine when I click the "Load Active EditWindow" button it switches to the console screen but there are nomessages printed like:
; 37 forms loaded from #
Thisof course is making it extremely difficult to debug. I have checked theenvironment settings and they are exactly the same on each machine. TheAC2009 machine prints the messages but the AC2013 machine is justgiving me a blank console screen. I must be missing something here.

Bill Tillman 发表于 2022-7-6 09:18:53

Will someone pass me the bong please....!
Itsuddenly started working. I did nothing to change the settings, Isimply walked away to help another user with a problem. When I came backand clicked Load Active Edit Window again, the console screen printedout the number of forms loaded.
Our network hasbeen unstable today. Could this be the source of this kind of problem? Ilost at least 1 hour today with issues like files reporting they wereR/O when I know darn good and well that they were not...this kind ofthing with a Novell network.
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