我已经搜索并找到了几个Lisp程序的词,但它们都不适用于我的block。我尝试使用以下方法:(defun c:mnum(/ stStr stNum nLen cAtr dLst blName
fLst blLst blSet aName sLst lZer aStr)
(setq stStr(getstring "\nSpecify start number: "))
(setq stNum(atoi stStr))
(setq nLen(strlen stStr))
); end and
(setq cAtr(nentsel "\nPick attribute > "))
(= "ATTRIB"(cdr(assoc 0(setq dLst(entget(car cAtr))))))
); end and
(setq blName
(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cAtr)))))
fLst(list '(0 . "INSERT")(cons 2 blName))
aName(cdr(assoc 2 dLst))
); end setq
(princ "\n<<< Select blocks to number >>> ")
(setq blSet(ssget fLst))
(setq sLst
(mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object
(mapcar 'car
(mapcar '(lambda(x)(list x(cdr(assoc 10(entget x)))))
(vl-remove-if 'listp
(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex blSet))))
'(lambda(a b)(<(caadr a)(caadr b))))
'(lambda(a b)(>(cadadr a)(cadadr b)))))))
(foreach i sLst
(setq lZer "")
(repeat(- nLen(strlen(itoa stNum)))
(setq lZer(strcat lZer "0"))
); end repeat
(setq atLst
(vla-GetAttributes i))))
(foreach a atLst
(= aName(vla-get-TagString a))
(vla-put-TextString a
(strcat lZer(itoa stNum)))
); end if
); end foreach
(setq stNum(1+ stNum))
); end foreach
); end progn
(princ "\nEmpty selection! Quit. ")
); end if
); end progn
(princ "\nThis isn't attribute! Quit. ")
); end if
); end progn
(princ "\nInvalid start number! Quit. ")
); end if
); end of c:mnum 我做过一些vb编程,但不多。使用上面的代码,我得到了一个运行时错误。“需要对象”
Sub NameOfYourChoice()
' We create our group codes and data values for our selection set.
Dim gpCode(1) As Integer
Dim dataValue(1) As Variant
Dim SS_Blk As AcadSelectionSet
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer
SS_delete 1
' This is our filter.
' We set the group codes and data values for what we want to find.
Set SS_blk = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS_blk")
gpCode(0) = 0: dataValue(0) = "INSERT"
gpCode(1) = 8: dataValue(1) = "layer entities are on"
SS_blk.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , gpCode, dataValue
' because VBA is object oriented, we have to create the references for our blocks
' We create our blocks and the attributes in our blocks.
Dim Cur_Blk As AcadBlockReference
Dim Blk_Atts() As AcadAttributeReference
Dim Cur_Att As AcadAttributeReference
' This is where we make our loop
' " For i ". " i " is equal to the item number in the selection set
' until we get to the count of how many entities in SS_blk -1,
' because our item count in a selection set starts at 0 not at 1
' like in a collection.
For i = 0 To SS_blk.Count - 1
Set Cur_Blk = SS_Example.Item(i)
Blk_Atts = Cur_Blk.GetAttributes
' " For n ", " n ' is equal to the attribute number in the current block.
For n = 0 To UBound(Blk_Atts)
Set Cur_Att = Blk_Atts(n)
If Cur_Att.TagString = "GROUPID" Then
CurAtt.textstring = CurAtt.textstring + 100
' if the attribute text string = 7 then +2 would put it at 9
End If
Next n
Next i
End Sub
Sub SS_delete(x As Byte)
If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For i = 0 To ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count - 1
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub
对不起,我错过了一些东西。重新复制代码。我将SS_示例更改为SS_blk。 只是一种调试问题的方法,我不使用If和progn方法,而是一步一步的方法和defuns,其他人会拒绝我,但它更容易找出代码不工作的地方,因为If中包含的代码不多。我经常做的是(普林斯“1”)等等,看看数字1,2,3在4之前停下来,这可能有助于了解它实际上停在哪里。否则,请在错误设置为on的情况下尝试VLIDE。
在本例中(vla get Name…)将为您提供类似“*U2”的内容,(list“(0。“INSERT”)(cons 2 blName))将为您提供
更好地使用(vla get EffectiveName…)和(list“(0。“INSERT”)(cons 2(strcat blName”,`*U*”)(66.1))
(defun c:mnum(/str stNum nLen cAtr dLst blName fLst blLst blSet aName sLst lZer asr)(vl load com)[颜色=蓝色](defun _effname(ssobj bn/e selfil)(setq selfil(ssadd))(重复(sslength ssobj)(if(eq(vla get effectivename(vlax ename->vla object(setq e(ssname ssobj 0)))bn)(ssadd e selfil))(ssdel e ssbj))(if(zerop(sslength selfil))nilselfil))(if(and(setq stStr(getstring“\n指定开始编号:))(setq stNum(numberp(read stStr)))(setq nLen(strlen stStr)));end和(progn(if(和(setq cAtr(nentsel“\nPick属性>”))(=“ATTRIB”(cdr(assoc 0(setq dLst(entget(car cAtr);)))));结束和(progn(setq blName(vla get EffectiveName(vla ObjectIDToObject(vla get ActiveDocument(vlax get acad object))(vla get OwnerID(vlax ename->vla object(car cAtr)а)а)fLst(list’(0。“INSERT”)(cons 2(strcat blName“,`*U*”))(66.1))aName(cdr(assoc 2 dLst))); 结束setq(princ“\n>”)(如果(和(setq blSet(ssget fLst))(setq blSet(\u effname blSet blName)))(progn(setq sLst(mapcar“vlax ename->vla对象(mapcar”car(vl sort(vl sort(mapcar)”(lambda(x)(列表x(cdr)(assoc 10(entget x)]]))(vl remove if“listp(mapcar”cadr(ssnamex blSet)))(λ(a b)(