石头段。LSP 同样作为背景,以下是我在LISP最初开发时提到的两篇文章。
http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?6712-将-a-QBASIC-formula-转换为-an-LISP-function&p=38968#post38968 如果你把总弧长放在一个规则什么是最大的石头长度用户?然后得到一些块,你应该能够计算出弧长=节点数+块长。一旦你解决了这个问题,很容易将弧长转换为和弦并绘制石块。
弧长=rad*θ,所以可以算出长度等简单的数学和弦是简单的公式,如果不确定的话,也只是谷歌循环公式。 没有真正需要进行曲线计算。让vlax曲线-*函数为您实现这一点。以下是一个示例:
(setq *SegmentPath:Gap* 0.
*SegmentPath:GapStart* t
*SegmentPath:GapEnd* t
*SegmentPath:MaxLength* 10.)
(defun c:SegmentPath(/ en space len pos dist)
(setq space (apply (if (> (getvar 'cvport) 1)
(list (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))))
(while (progn (princ (strcat "\nGap Size: "
(rtos *SegmentPath:Gap*)
"; Max Length: "
(rtos *SegmentPath:MaxLength*)
"; "
(if *SegmentPath:GapStart*
"Gap at start; "
(if *SegmentPath:GapEnd*
"Gap at end; "
(initget "Gap Max Start End")
(setq en (entsel "\nPick Path : ")))
(cond ((eq en "Gap")
(if (setq en (getdist (strcat "\nEnter gap size <" (rtos *SegmentPath:Gap*) ": ")))
(setq *SegmentPath:Gap* en)))
((eq en "Max")
(if (setq en (getdist (strcat "\nEnter max length <" (rtos *SegmentPath:MaxLength*) ": ")))
(setq *SegmentPath:MaxLength* en)))
((eq en "Start") (setq *SegmentPath:GapStart* (not *SegmentPath:GapStart*)))
((eq en "End") (setq *SegmentPath:GapEnd* (not *SegmentPath:GapEnd*)))
(setq en(car en)
len (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam en (vlax-curve-getEndParam en))
pos 0.)
(if *SegmentPath:GapStart*
(setq pos *SegmentPath:Gap*)
(setq len (+ len *SegmentPath:Gap*)))
(if *SegmentPath:GapEnd*
(setq len (- len *SegmentPath:Gap*)))
(setq dist (/ len (1+ (fix (/ len (+ *SegmentPath:Gap* *SegmentPath:MaxLength*))))))
(while (< pos len)
(vlax-3d-point (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist en pos))
(vlax-3d-point (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist en (+ pos (- dist *SegmentPath:Gap*)))))
(setq pos (+ pos dist))))))
(princ)) @比加尔成功了。谢谢
__________________________________________阿莫特。lsp;;(vl load com);;获取凸出半径;;Juergen Menzi的数学(defun get radii(p1 p2 bulge)(abs(/(distance p1 p2)2(sin(/(*4(atan(abs bulge)))2 1097;));;-------------------------------------------------------;;(defun ang切线(曲线pnt)(角度'(0 0 0)(trans(vlax curve getFirstDerivcurve(vlax curve getParamAtPoint curve(trans(vlax curve GetClosestPoint to curve pnt)1 0)));;----------------------------------------;;(defun get segments(en-pnt/par)(setq par(vlax curve getParamAtPointen(vlax curve getClosestPointTo en-pnt)))(list(vlax curve getPointAtParam en(fix par))(vlax curve getPointAtParam en(1+(fix par);---------------------------主要部分-------------------------------;;(defun C:Amort(/*error*adoc ang clay curve da en gap i joint leg num p1 e p2 par pe1 pe2 pn ps1 ps2 rad segs sset step stleg th)(defun*error*(msg)(vla endundomark(vla get activedocument(vlax get acad object))(cond((or(not msg)(member msg’(“console break”“Function cancelled”“quit/exit abort”))((princ(strcat”\error:“msg))))(setvar“nomutt”0)(if clay(setvar“clayer”clay))(princ))(setq adoc(vla get activedocument(vlax get acad object))(vla startundomark adoc)(setq clay(getvar“clayer”))(setvar“clayer”“Mortar”); Re osnaps pretty simple the variable osmode holds current snap value so
At start of code do(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))at end of code do(setvar "osmode" oldsnap) @BIGAL That worked. Thanks!
Oddly enough, when I loaded the AMORT.LSP today into a new drawing, the program would initialize but after "Select Longest Arc Segment:" the program terminates with no error report... I was able to get it to work yesterday, in a different drawing. The only change I actually made to the LSP is the "Select (long/short) Arc Segment:" was verbally backwards. Also I added a SETVAR for turning osnaps back on. Am I missing something?
;;__________________________________________Amort.lsp________________________________________________;;(vl-load-com);; get bulge radius;; math by Juergen Menzi(defun get-radii (p1 p2 bulge)(abs (/ (distance p1 p2) 2 (sin (/ (* 4 (atan (abs bulge))) 2)))));;--------------------------------------;;(defun ang-tangent (curve pnt)(angle'(0 0 0)(trans(vlax-curve-getFirstDerivcurve(vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint curve (trans (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo curve pnt) 1 0)))0 1 T )));;--------------------------------------;;(defun get-segments (en pnt / par)(setq par (vlax-curve-getParamAtPointen(vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo en pnt)))(list (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam en (fix par))(vlax-curve-getPointAtParam en (1+ (fix par)))));;----------------------- main part ----------------------------;;(defun C:Amort(/ *error* adoc ang clay curve da en gap i joint leg num p1 p1e p2 par pe1 pe2 pn ps1 ps2 rad segs sset step stleg th)(defun *error* (msg)(vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))(cond ((or (not msg)(member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))))((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))))(setvar "nomutt" 0)(if clay (setvar "clayer" clay))(princ))(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))(vla-startundomark adoc )(setq clay (getvar "clayer"))(setvar "clayer" "Mortar");