mrthra 发表于 2022-7-6 07:46:31



MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 08:35:07


mrthra 发表于 2022-7-6 08:48:04


(defun selch ()
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "schdialog.dcl"))
(while (> flag 2)
(if (not (new_dialog "schdialog" dcl_id))

(set_tile "eb1" ptx)
;display x value
(set_tile "eb2" pty)
;display y value
(set_tile "eb3" ptz)
;display z value

   "cancel"      ;if cancel button pressed
   "(done_dialog) (setq flag 0)";close dialog, set flag

   "accept" ;if O.K. pressed

      (setq chtp (get_tile \"gp_prefix\"))"
   "(setq chn (get_tile \"gp_start\"))"
   "(setq col (get_tile \"gp_col\"))"
   "(setq seqy (atof (get_tile \"gp_freq\")))"
   "(setq ans (get_tile \"tfile\"))"
   "(setq fnam (get_tile \"tfilen\"))"
   "(setq sel (atof (get_tile \"selc\")))"
   "(done_dialog) (setq userclick T))"
    ); strcat
); action
   "(done_dialog 4)"
;if pick button selected, hide the dialogue
;and set the flag to 4
(setq flag (start_dialog))
;start the dialogue and set flag
;to value of start dialogue
(if (and (= ptx "0")(/= flag 0)) ;(= flag 4)
;if the pick button was selected
   ;do the following

   (setq selpoint (getpoint "\nSchedule Insertion Point: "))
   ;get the insertion point
   (setq ptx (rtos (car selpoint) 2 4))
   ;get the x value
   (setq pty (rtos (cadr selpoint) 2 4))
   ;get the y value
   (setq ptz (rtos (caddr selpoint) 2 4))
   ;get the z value
   (setq pnt selpoint)
(command "text" "tl" pnt "" "" "Reference")
(setq ts (getvar "textsize"))
(setq xc (* ts 5))
(setq chp (car pnt))
(setq xcc (* xc 2))
(setq cha (+ xcc chp))
(setq chb (cadr pnt))
(setq chp (list cha chb))
(command "text" "tl" chp "" "" "Easting")
(setq xc (* ts 4.5))
(setq cht (car chp))
(setq xcc (* xc 2))
(setq chx (+ xcc cht))
(setq chy (cadr pnt))
(setq cht (list chx chy))
(command "text" "tl" cht "" "" "Northing")
(unload_dialog dcl_id);unload
页: [1]
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