Help Please - with creating ef
I got this to work but before i go any farther is there a better or shorter way to reach the same result? I am using 2012 and these have been modified from some codes I have gotten here.(defun C:bd() ;list your key here, it is not necessary but it will useful with a huge list of key, or you can do a function lisp to write your dcl(setq lstWidth '( "3.5" "5.25" "7" "1 ply" "2 ply" "3 ply") lstDepth '("7.25" "9.25" "11.25" "11.875" "14" "16" "18") lstmembr '("Flush Beam" "Header/Drop Beam")) (or membr (setq membr (car lstmembr)))(or width (setq width (car lstWidth)))(or depth (setq depth (car lstDepth))) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "beam.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "beam" dcl_id)) (exit) (progn (set_tile membr "1") (set_tile width "1") (set_tile depth "1") (action_tile "kmembr" "(setq membr $value)") (action_tile "kWidth" "(setq width $value)") (action_tile "kDepth" "(setq depth $value)") (start_dialog) (unload_dialog dcl_id) ))(if (= membr "Flush Beam") (setq tp 2))(if (= membr "Header/Drop Beam") (setq tp 3))(if (= width "3.5") (setq wd 5))(if (= width "5.25") (setq wd 7))(if (= width "7") (setq wd 11))(if (= width "1 ply") (setq wd 13))(if (= depth "7.25") (setq dp 23))(if (= depth "9.25") (setq dp 29))(if (= depth "11.25") (setq dp 31))(setq bt (+ (+ wd dp) tp))(command "filedia" "0") (if (= bt 30) (command "_.layer" "M" "S-FRM-BEAM" "C" "12" "S-FRM-BEAM" "s" "S-FRM-BEAM" "" "-linetype" "c" "3.5x7.25 PSL" "" "Y" "3.5x7.25 PSL" "0.25,-0.125" "S" "3.5x7.25 PSL" "" ) ) (if (= bt 39) (command "_.layer" "M" "S-FRM-HEADER" "C" "1" "S-FRM-HEADER" "s" "S-FRM-HEADER" "" "-linetype" "c" "5.25x9.25 PSL" "" "Y" "5.25x9.25 PSL" "0.25,-0.125" "S" "5.25x9.25 PSL" "" ) ) (command "filedia" "1") (princ))
beam : dialog {label = "Pick a Member"; : row { : boxed_radio_row {key = "kmembr"; label = "Member"; : radio_button { label = "Flush Beam"; key = "Flush Beam"; } : radio_button { label = "Header/Drop Beam"; key = "Header/Drop Beam"; }}} : row { : boxed_radio_row {key = "kWidth"; label = "Width"; : radio_button { label = "3.5"; key = "3.5"; } : radio_button { label = "5.25"; key = "5.25"; } : radio_button { label = "7"; key = "7"; } : radio_button { label = "1 Ply"; key = "1 Ply"; } : radio_button { label = "2 Ply"; key = "2 Ply"; } : radio_button { label = "3 Ply"; key = "3 Ply"; }}} : row { : boxed_radio_row {key = "kDepth"; label = "Depth"; : radio_button { label = "7.25"; key = "7.25"; } : radio_button { label = "9.25"; key = "9.25"; } : radio_button { label = "11.25"; key = "11.25"; } : radio_button { label = "11.875"; key = "11.875"; } : radio_button { label = "14"; key = "14"; } : radio_button { label = "16"; key = "16"; } : radio_button { label = "18"; key = "18"; }}} : row { : button { label = "&OK"; key = "accept"; fixed_width = true; is_default = true; alignment = centered; } : button { label = "&Cancel"; key = "cancel"; fixed_width = true; is_cancel = true; alignment = centered; } }} Is the final result of the routine would be to create specific layers names with some kind of different properties ?
If yes , list the name of your layers to have then in pop_up list instead of all these long lines of codes . Sorry what it does is it creats a layer with a linetype then I will make it draw lines where ever I need them, then another routine I have will label all those lines by their linetypes. If that makes since? I just didn't want to keep writing alot of code knowing there has to be shorter way to write it. I trying to learn has i go. While I don't quite understand your entire process,
You may want to look into (cond) statements:
(if (= depth "7.25") (setq dp 23))(if (= depth "9.25") (setq dp 29))(if (= depth "11.25") (setq dp 31))
(setq dp(cond ((= depth"7.25") 23) ((= depth"9.25") 29) ((= depth "11.25") 31)) (T (alert "Cannot find a Depth - Aborting") (exit)))
But you would need a robust error trap in order to use (exit) safely -David
Or you code force a manual input
(setq dp(cond ((= depth"7.25") 23) ((= depth"9.25") 29) ((= depth "11.25") 31)) (T (initget 7) (setq depth "\n Depth Not Found - Enter a Depth Value: ")))