ferhatpeker 发表于 2022-7-6 08:42:13

Unfortunately, this is not my need.
Thanks in any case.

fixo 发表于 2022-7-6 08:44:46

Thanks for your work
Already what I wanted

pBe 发表于 2022-7-6 08:46:56

Thank you Oleg. At least somebody have a use for it
Somehow i cant figure out what you need ferhatpeker, now I'm not even sure we are talking a bout the same Text Numbering lisp code.
Sorry i cant be of any more help

ferhatpeker 发表于 2022-7-6 08:51:31

;; (Contact Lee Mac, CADTutor.net, TheSwamp.org);;;;~ With Additional Thanks to:;;   Charles Alan Butler (CAB);;;;PLATFORMS:;;Tested in ACAD 2004, ACAD 2010.;;;;VERSION:;;1.0~18.06.2009~ First Release;;2.0~25.06.2009~ Changed Direction Method;;3.0~25.06.2009~ Pick Angle added;; ==========================================;;;;4.0~26.06.2009~ CAB combined routines, NumInc.lsp;;                        A button for each function;;;; ==========================================;;;; ============ NumInc.lsp ===============;;;;FUNCTION: Number Increment;;Will sequentially place numerical;;text upon mouse click, with optional;;prefix and suffix.;;;;>>Enter          =Exit;;>>Space          =Rotate ACW;;>>Shift + Space=Rotate CW;;>>Tab            =Rotate 90;;>>Shift + Tab    =Mirror Rotation;;>>C            =Curve Aligned;;>>R            =Replace Text/Attribute;;>>T            =Toggle Counter;;;;AUTHOR:;;Copyright (c) 2009, Lee McDonnell;;(Contact Lee Mac, CADTutor.net);;;;PLATFORMS:;;Requires Express Tools for full Functionality.;;Tested in ACAD 2004, 2010.;;;;VERSION:;;1.0~12.04.2009~ First Release;;2.0~14.04.2009~ Incremental Prefix/Suffix;;3.0~15.04.2009~ DCL Version;;4.0~15.04.2009~ Replace Text Added;;5.0~16.04.2009~ Leading Zeros Allowed;;6.0~18.06.2009~ Total Program Upgrade;;7.0~27.06.2009~ Counter Toggle/Bug Fixes;;;; =======================================
This lisp which i use. ( only description )

pBe 发表于 2022-7-6 08:52:54

There's your answer ferhatpeker

ferhatpeker 发表于 2022-7-6 08:55:40

I know
But he didn't write anything till now. And i don't want to write special message to him. Maybe he is busy.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 09:01:25

I replied to your email stating that I was no longer developing this program.

ctdlc888 发表于 2022-7-6 09:03:00

I think what the OP needs is HERE..http://www.lee-mac.com/numinc.html JUST LACKING OFFSET XY

ferhatpeker 发表于 2022-7-6 09:07:08

thanks. i read.

ferhatpeker 发表于 2022-7-6 09:11:01

I also used that lisp. But i need additional function.
"It means, for example I want to gove numbers just out of a circle but I want to click center of the circle. I will give distance for X and Y direction larger than the diameter of the circle so that when I click center of the circle, number will be placed just out of it as I wanted. "
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