BURST Command not working (Too
Hey guys,For the last 10 months-ish we have been using the ProSteel addon package with AutoCAD 2010 - and we have noticed that something is inhibiting the BURST express tool.
Im not sure exactly what is stopping the command from working, but the same routine will work fine on AutoCAD 2009 and 2011 without ProSteel.So something is interfering with it.
Anyway, I have done a little google research and found that the "Too Many Arguments" is pretty common error for the BURST express tool, but i hadnt really found a solution until today.
I have managed to get the BURST command working again (briefly tested), so for any of you who have a similar issue to what we were having... please see the attached code for a hopefully working version.
;;;;;;;;; BURST.LSP;;; Copyright © 1999-2006 by Autodesk, Inc.;;;;;; Your use of this software is governed by the terms and conditions of the;;; License Agreement you accepted prior to installation of this software.;;; Please note that pursuant to the License Agreement for this software,;;; "opying of this computer program or its documentation except as;;; permitted by this License is copyright infringement under the laws of;;; your country.If you copy this computer program without permission of;;; Autodesk, you are violating the law.";;;;;; AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.;;; AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF;;; MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE.AUTODESK, INC.;;; DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE;;; UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.;;;;;; Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to;;; restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii);;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.;;;;;;----------------------------------------------------------------(Defun C:BURST (/ item bitset bump att-text lastent burst-one burst BCNT BLAYER BCOLOR ELAST BLTYPE ETYPE PSFLAG ENAME );-----------------------------------------------------; Item from association list;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun ITEM (N E) (CDR (Assoc N E)));-----------------------------------------------------; Error Handler;----------------------------------------------------- (acet-error-init (list (list "cmdecho" 0 "highlight" 1 ) T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up. );list );acet-error-init;-----------------------------------------------------; BIT SET;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun BITSET (A B) (= (Boole 1 A B) B));-----------------------------------------------------; BUMP;-----------------------------------------------------(Setq bcnt 0)(Defun bump (prmpt) (Princ (Nth bcnt '("\r-" "\r\\" "\r|" "\r/")) ) (Setq bcnt (Rem (1+ bcnt) 4)));-----------------------------------------------------; Convert Attribute Entity to Text Entity or MText Entity;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun ATT-TEXT (AENT / ANAME TENT ILIST INUM) (setq ANAME (cdr (assoc -1 AENT))) (if (_MATTS_UTIL ANAME) (progn ; Multiple Line Text Attributes (MATTS) - ; make an MTEXT entity from the MATTS data (_MATTS_UTIL ANAME 1) ) (progn ; else -Single line attribute conversion (Setq TENT '((0 . "TEXT"))) (ForEach INUM '(8 6 38 39 62 67 210 10 40 1 50 41 51 7 71 72 73 11 74 ) (If (Setq ILIST (Assoc INUM AENT)) (Setq TENT (Cons ILIST TENT)) ) ) (Setq tent (Subst (Cons 73 (item 74 aent)) (Assoc 74 tent) tent ) ) (EntMake (Reverse TENT)) ) ));-----------------------------------------------------; Find True last entity;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun LASTENT (/ E0 EN) (Setq E0 (EntLast)) (While (Setq EN (EntNext E0)) (Setq E0 EN) ) E0);-----------------------------------------------------; See if a block is explodable. Return T if it is, ; otherwise return nil;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun EXPLODABLE (BNAME / B expld) (vl-load-com) (setq BLOCKS (vla-get-blocks (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) ) (vlax-for B BLOCKS (if (and (= :vlax-false (vla-get-islayout B)) (= (strcase (vla-get-name B)) (strcase BNAME))) (setq expld (= :vlax-true (vla-get-explodable B))) ) ) expld );-----------------------------------------------------; Burst one entity;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun BURST-ONE (BNAME / BENT ANAME ENT ATYPE AENT AGAIN ENAME ENT BBLOCK SS-COLOR SS-LAYER SS-LTYPE mirror ss-mirror mlast) (Setq BENT (EntGet BNAME) BLAYER (ITEM 8 BENT) BCOLOR (ITEM 62 BENT) BBLOCK (ITEM 2 BENT) BCOLOR (Cond ((> BCOLOR 0) BCOLOR) ((= BCOLOR 0) "BYBLOCK") ("BYLAYER") ) BLTYPE (Cond ((ITEM 6 BENT)) ("BYLAYER")) ) (Setq ELAST (LASTENT)) (If (and (EXPLODABLE BBLOCK) (= 1 (ITEM 66 BENT))) (Progn (Setq ANAME BNAME) (While (Setq ANAME (EntNext ANAME) AENT(EntGet ANAME) ATYPE (ITEM 0 AENT) AGAIN (= "ATTRIB" ATYPE) ) (bump "Converting attributes") (ATT-TEXT AENT) ) ) ) (Progn (bump "Exploding block") ;(acet-explode BNAME) (command "_.explode" bname) ) (Setq SS-LAYER (SsAdd) SS-COLOR (SsAdd) SS-LTYPE (SsAdd) ENAME ELAST ) (While (Setq ENAME (EntNext ENAME)) (bump "Gathering pieces") (Setq ENT (EntGet ENAME) ETYPE (ITEM 0 ENT) ) (If (= "ATTDEF" ETYPE) (Progn (If (BITSET (ITEM 70 ENT) 2) (ATT-TEXT ENT) ) (EntDel ENAME) ) (Progn (If (= "0" (ITEM 8 ENT)) (SsAdd ENAME SS-LAYER) ) (If (= 0 (ITEM 62 ENT)) (SsAdd ENAME SS-COLOR) ) (If (= "BYBLOCK" (ITEM 6 ENT)) (SsAdd ENAME SS-LTYPE) ) ) ) ) (If (> (SsLength SS-LAYER) 0) (Progn (bump "Fixing layers") (Command "_.chprop" SS-LAYER "" "_LA" BLAYER "" ) ) ) (If (> (SsLength SS-COLOR) 0) (Progn (bump "Fixing colors") (Command "_.chprop" SS-COLOR "" "_C" BCOLOR "" ) ) ) (If (> (SsLength SS-LTYPE) 0) (Progn (bump "Fixing linetypes") (Command "_.chprop" SS-LTYPE "" "_LT" BLTYPE "" ) ) ));-----------------------------------------------------; BURST MAIN ROUTINE;-----------------------------------------------------(Defun BURST (/ SS1) (setq PSFLAG (if (= 1 (caar (vports))) 1 0 ) ) (Setq SS1 (SsGet (list (cons 0 "INSERT")(cons 67 PSFLAG)))) (If SS1 (Progn (Setvar "highlight" 0) (terpri) (Repeat (SsLength SS1) (Setq ENAME (SsName SS1 0)) (SsDel ENAME SS1) (BURST-ONE ENAME) ) (princ "\n") ) ));-----------------------------------------------------; BURST COMMAND;-----------------------------------------------------(BURST) (acet-error-restore));end defun(princ)
The above code is Copyright by Autodesk, so i hope im not upsetting anyone by posting it - i only tweaked the code as indicated in bold.
PS:I have quite a limited knowledge of LISP, and I'm not really sure what the modification does - it was really just a fluke... but I hope it helps some. Download from here bgtools 2.13.zip. And try the command BGBLEXP. It is based on the burst from Autodesk with some modifications.