^C^C_pdmode 3;_scale all; 0,0 0.1;_centroid;\_massp;\scale all; 0,0 10;_modulus;\;0,0;;;
(setq modKoef 0.001)
编辑:用于参考模数。vlx可以在这里找到http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/download.asp?fileID=1016 你好,马尼拉·沃尔夫,
尼古拉斯。 嗨,尼古拉斯,
所以,我做了三件事,我使用了不同的mass props lisp并引入了“dupdel.lsp”来删除重复区域。我还添加了一个称为“Calcwt.lsp”的权重计算例程(pBe帮助)。质心。不需要vlx。
^C^C_pdmode 3;TEXTSIZE 0.25 _scale all; 0,0 0.1;'_zoom e;;.9x;re;_MPcm;\_scale all; 0,0 10;'_zoom e;;.9x;TEXTSIZE 2.5 re;^C^C(setq modKoef 0.000001);(setq modSuf " cm3");^C^C_modulus;\;0,0;;;_dupdel;r a ;;re;^C^C(setq modKoef 1);(setq modSuf " mm3");_CalcWT;
杜普德尔。lsp 我的宏在图形中有多个对象时会变得有点凌乱,所以我改进了缩放。
^C^C(alert "NOTE: - Select the same REGION each time you are prompted (4 times total)")(setq ss1 (ssget));\;_pdmode 3;TEXTSIZE 0.25 _scale all; 0,0 0.1;'_zoom o !ss1;;'_zoom .9x;re;_MPcm;\_scale all; 0,0 10;'_zoom o !ss1;;'zoom .8x;TEXTSIZE 2.5 re;^C^C(setq modKoef 0.001);(setq modSuf " cm3");^C^C_modulus;\;0,0;;;_dupdel;r a ;;re;^C^C(setq modKoef 1);(setq modSuf " mm3");_CalcWT;
我确实尝试将最初选择的区域设置为记忆对象,以便每次都可以自动调用,但宏中的三个LISP似乎不允许在从宏调用时使用这种选择方法。因此选择了4次。虽然不是百分之百完美,但它对我来说很管用。 哎呀!我在宏中发现了一个错误。我已经通过编辑更正了上面的宏。
(setq modKoef 0.000001)是模量的不正确缩放。正确的比例为(setq modKoef 0.001)
我认为你对这项法案的看法是正确的。Massprop是一个很好的功能,我相信截面模量是最有用的,我正在尽我所能与Massprop携手自动生成截面模量,以及 I found this lisp buried deep in my hard drive. It appears to calculate the section modulus. The problem is that I can't get the lisp to run!
I wonder if anybody can help by explaining why it won't run. I would be grateful.
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------;;; MASSCAL.LSP modified from ASCTEXT.LSP & BONG'S LISP;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------;;;; modified by Eric Wong;;; modified by Bong - May 1997;;; This program superseeds MP1 and MP2.LSP. Thanks to Eric Wong. - bong;;;;;; add weight November 1998;;; Save modes;;;;;; provide lower and upper Zx/Zy value;;; 21 Apr 1999(defun MODES (a)(setq MLST ' ()) (repeat (length a) (setq MLST (append MLST (list (list (car a) (getvar (car a)))))) (setq a (cdr a)) )) ;;;;;; Restore modes;;;(defun MODER ()(repeat (length MLST) (setvar (caar MLST) (cadar MLST)) (setq MLST (cdr MLST)) )) ;;;;;; Ascii Text error handler;;;(defun at_err (st) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs ; while this command is active... (if (/= st "Function cancelled") (princ (strcat "\nError: " st)) )(moder) ; Restore modified modes (if (= (type rtfile) 'FILE) (close rtfile) )(setq rtfile nil) (setq *error* olderr) ; Restore old *error* handler (princ)) ;;;;;; Read file line by line and store them;;;(defun readtxt1 (rf / rtfile txt txt1 txt2 txt3 txt4 txt5 txt6 txt7 txt8 txt11 txt12 txt13 txt 14 txt15 txt16 xcen ycen xmin ymin) (setq rtfile (open rf "r")) (setq txt (read-line rtfile)) ;- space file header (setq txt1 (read-line rtfile) ;- type of entity txt2 (read-line rtfile) ;- space txt3 (read-line rtfile) ;- area txt4 (read-line rtfile) ;- perimeter txt5 (read-line rtfile) ;- Bounding box x txt6 (read-line rtfile) ;- Bounding box y txt7 (read-line rtfile) ;- centroid-X txt8 (read-line rtfile) ;- centroid-Y txt9 (read-line rtfile) ;- MOI x txt10 (read-line rtfile) ;- MOI y txt11 (read-line rtfile) ;- POI x & y txt12 (read-line rtfile) ;- ROG x txt13 (read-line rtfile) ;- ROG y txt14 (read-line rtfile) ;- PM heading txt15 (read-line rtfile) ;- PM I txt16 (read-line rtfile) ;- PM J ) ; setq (close rtfile) (setq rtfile nil) (setq xmax (nth 5 (read (strcat "(" txt5 ")"))) ymax (nth 3 (read (strcat "(" txt6 ")"))) xmax2 (nth 3 (read (strcat "(" txt5 ")"))) ymax2 (nth 1 (read (strcat "(" txt6 ")"))) xmin (nth 3 (read (strcat "(" txt5 ")"))) ymin (nth 1 (read (strcat "(" txt6 ")"))) xcen (nth 2 (read (strcat "(" txt7 ")"))) ycen (nth 1 (read (strcat "(" txt8 ")"))) xycen (list xcen ycen) xstr (polar (list xmin ycen) (dtr 180) (* 5 h)) xend (polar (list xmax ycen) (dtr 0) (* 4 h)) ystr (polar (list xcen ymin) (dtr -90) (* 4 h)) yend (polar (list xcen ymax) (dtr 90) (* 4 h));;;; add weight wht (* 0.00271 (nth 1 (read (strcat "(" txt3 ")" )))) ));;;;;; Read file line by line and paste them;;;(defun readtxt2 (rf / s eof) (setq rtfile (open rf "r")) (setq eof nil) (while (null eof) (setq s (read-line rtfile)) (if s (progn (command "TEXT" pt1 h ang s) (setq pt1 (polar pt1 (dtr -90) (* 1.666 h))) ) (setq eof T) );if ) (close rtfile) (setq rtfile nil)) ;;;;;; -------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM -------------------------;;;(defun masstxt (ep1 / olderr ang eof rf h llea pt pt1 s xycen xstr xend ystr yend xmax ymax i j Zx Zy s1 s2 txt9 txt10)(setq olderr *error* *error* at_err) (modes '("BLIPMODE" "CMDECHO" "HIGHLIGHT" "CLAYER")) (setq rf (strcat (getvar "dwgname") ".mpr")) ;; Prompt for start point (while (null pt) (setq pt (getpoint "\nStart point : ")) (if (not pt) (princ " no point picked, try again")) ) (setq pt1 pt) ; First insertion point;;;; modified: 06 May 1997 (walang o-r-a-s);;; set text style(setq oldsty (getvar "textstyle"))(if (= (tblsearch "STYLE" "MONOTXT") nil) (command "style" "monotxt" "monotxt" "" "" "" "" "" "") (setvar "textstyle" "monotxt") ); if monostyle ;; Prompt for a text height (setvar "textsize" (* 2.75 (getvar "dimscale")));;; turn off by bong;;;(setq h (getdist pt (strcat "\nHeight : ")));;;(if (not h) (setq h (getvar "TEXTSIZE"));;;) (setq ang 0) (setvar "BLIPMODE" 0) (setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 0) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0);***************************************************************** (cond ((and *debug* (/= 0 *debug*)) (setq *error* nil) (setvar "cmdecho" 1)));*****************************************************************;;; turn off by bong. (if (= llea nil) (command ".layer" "M" "massprop" "c" "3" "" "") (command ".layer" "c" "3" "massprop" "") ) (setvar "clayer" "massprop") (readtxt1 rf) (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" "center2") nil) (command "linetype" "l" "center2" "acad" "")) (setvar "cecolor" "9") (setvar "celtype" "center2") (command ".line" xstr xend "" ".line" ystr yend "") (setvar "cecolor" "BYLAYER") (setvar "celtype" "BYLAYER") (command ".text" (polar xend (dtr 135) (* h 2)) (* h 1.5)"" "X") (command ".text" (polar yend (dtr -45) (* h 2)) (* h 1.5)"" "Y") (command ".copy" ep1 "" xycen "0,0") (command "massprop" (entlast) "" "Y" (getvar "dwgname")) (command ".erase" (entlast) "" ".redraw") (readtxt1 rf) (readtxt2 rf) (setq i (nth 4 (read (strcat "(" txt9 ")"))) j (nth 1 (read (strcat "(" txt10 ")"))) Zx (/ i ymax) Zy (/ j xmax) Zx2(/ i (abs ymax2)) Zy2(/ j (abs xmax2)) s1 (strcat "Modulus of Elasticity:Zx1 = " (rtos Zx 2 0) " Zx2 = " (rtos Zx2 2 0)) s2 (strcat " Zy1 = " (rtos Zy 2 0) " Zy2 = " (rtos Zy2 2 0)) ) (command ".text" pt1 h ang s1) (command ".text" (polar pt1 (dtr -90) (* 1.666 h)) h ang s2) (command ".text" (polar pt1 (dtr -90) (* 3.32 h)) h ang (strcat "Estimated Weight (Alum): " (rtos wht) "kg/m" )) (moder) ; Restore modified modes (setq *error* olderr) ; Restore old *error* handler (princ) (setvar "textstyle" oldsty)) ;;;;;; COMMAND declaration;;;(defun c:masscal (/ ep1 prela preco) (vmon) (setq ep1 nil) (while (= ep1 nil) (setq ep1 (entsel)) (if (null ep1) (princ "no object selected\n")) ) (if (/= "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car ep1))))) (progn (setq prela (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car ep1)))) preco (cdr (assoc 62 (entget (car ep1)))) ) (if (= preco nil) (setq preco "BYLAYER")) (COMMAND "REGION" ep1 "") (COMMAND "CHPROP" (entlast) "" "la" prela "c" preco "") (setq ep1 (entlast)) ) (progn (princ "\n\tThe Object is REGION\n") (princ)) ) (COMMAND "MASSPROP" ep1 "" "Y" (getvar "dwgname")) (masstxt ep1)(princ)) (dos_delete (strcat (getvar "dwgname") ".mpr"))(defun C:MC ()(C:MASSCAL))(princ "\n\tc:MASSCAL v1.1 loaded! - Extrussion Weight Added!")(princ) This looks to be from about the time my old friend was working with LISP file for MASSPROP information which was the mid to late 1990's. Actually I think it was more like 1994 when I first ran into a MASSPROP lisp utility. I have only examined this briefly but the first thing I see is that there is a space between txt and 14 in the local variables called out in readtxt1 function. But even with fixing that, my copy of AutoCAD VLISP 2012 does not recognize the command "dos_delete". Haven't read much about this except that it's perhaps a module from another old group of LISP routines which was used way back. Even with commenting this line out the program crashes when it's trying to read the mpr file it created. I will have to spend more time looking at this. It does look very similar to the one I was searching from from my old DOS days as well. I have seen this referenced in the last few weeks but didn't run into in more depth until today. The above LISP file calls it and today I was asked to look at some older code authored by a previous employee and it calls DOS_DELETE in it. Of course this machine which is running Windows XP with ACAD 2002 just crashes saying it cannot find the function DOS_DELETE.
Can anyone clue me in on this? Is it something that is obsolete now...?
Google and yahoo have nothing about how this relates to AutoLISP which is surprising. Lots of DOS stuff and DoS attack stuff, but so far nothing which relates it AutoLISP has been found. Okay, I at least found DOSLib which I guess is no longer shipped with AutoCAD...so what took it's place or is all this code just so much junk now?
UPDATE: Ok, cool, I found the URL for the DOSLIB files. Had to get an old version of it as well as I had to find a site in Germany which had the etv1-9.exe file still available for free download. This code was written long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Now they want to dust it off and deploy it in a live setting again. More work for me so I won't complain.