(start_对话框)将返回值4,是。 You're welcome dude I don't get something, whateverI do -----done_dialog returns (0 0) ex. start_dialog 0. (cant save done _dialog 4) to have returned value 4
Neep help.
Read the help docs.
Return Values
The start_dialog function returns the optional status passed to done_dialog. IF (done _dialog 4) start dialog is 4? I read help
I still didn't get it. A little bit of elaboration will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you The start_dialog function will return the value of the status argument passed to the done_dialog function. If done _dialog has an argument 4 (done_dialog 4) it means that start _dialog has a value 4? correct?
(start_dialog) will return a value of 4, yes.