How to Export text(Numbers) in
hii want to export Numbers in CAD to Excel by easy method !!!
i add one file attachment for EXample please see!!!
this file is Poject Cross Section & i want to export text in layer "C-Road-SCTN-TITL" with text in layer "Are-Block" to different cells in Excel
what can i do ?
For Example :
see excel file
Sorce DWG :
see DWg file
part 1.dwg It appears that you have plain Text and MText objects on the two layers.I've seen at least three different lisp routines that claim to be able to export plain text to Excel but I have no idea how well they work. Something wrong with your layers
Here is quick and dirty lisp for your interest
(vl-load-com);;*** list to csv readable string ***(defun list->csv(lst sep / join);;arguments;; lst -list of string like: '("CENTER" "-4612.43" "5043.47" "1787.77");;sep - string (separator, i.e: ",");;return string like "CENTER,-4612.43,5043.47,1787.77" (setq join (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (x)(strcat x sep)) lst))join (vl-string-right-trim sep join))join)(defun C:Tryit(/ contours datafile datalist fname mtext_list pt sectexts txs x)(command "_zoom" "_e")(if(setq sectexts (ssget "X"(list (cons 0 "mtext")(cons 8 "C-ROAD-SCTN-TITL")(cons 62 92)(cons 40 2.0)(cons 7 "Standard")(cons 1 "*+*")(cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))))(progn(setq mtext_list(mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex sectexts))))(setq contours (mapcar '(lambda (x)(if (setq pt (vlax-get x 'insertionpoint))(cons (vlax-get x 'textstring)(list (list (- (car pt) 24) (cadr pt))(list (+ (car pt) 24) (cadr pt))(list (+ (car pt) 24) (- (cadr pt) 24))(list (- (car pt) 24) (- (cadr pt) 24))))))mtext_list))(setq datalist(mapcar'(lambda (x)(cons (car x)(list (if(setq txs(ssget "wp" (cdr x) (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 8 "are-block") (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))))(vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname txs 0)) 'textstring)"")(if(setq txs (ssget "wp"(cdr x)(list (cons 0 "text") (cons 8 "are-block1") (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))))(vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname txs 0)) 'textstring)""))))contours))(setq fname (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) ".csv");csv record ",") datafile))(close datafile)(getstring "\n\t\t *** Press Enter to open resulting file ***")(startapp "C:\\Program1\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\EXCEL.EXE"(strcat "\"" fname "\"")) ))(princ))(prompt "\n\t\t >>> Start command with Tryit What program were those cross sections generated in? hi
i can't run in autocad ; i typing in command is "tryit" when i loaded
what can i do ?
Working good on A2009 for me
Perhaps, it is needs to change your Excel.exe path:
mine is
"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\EXCEL.EXE"
What is the error you have got? i take movie plaese see it and help me ; what can i do with error !!
my Excel.exe path is"C:\Program1\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE"
plaease Help !!
file download :
Ihad changed this line on your path within the code above, try again Just to avoid troubles with Excel, try it for the quick test
It will output text file instead:
Command :Txtin
;;*** list to csv readable string ***(defun list->csv(lst sep / join);;arguments;; lst -list of string like: '("CENTER" "-4612.43" "5043.47" "1787.77");;sep - string (separator, i.e: ",");;return string like "CENTER,-4612.43,5043.47,1787.77" (setq join (apply 'strcat (mapcar'(lambda (x)(strcat xsep)) lst)) join (vl-string-right-trim sep join)) join )(defun C:Txtin(/ contours datafile datalist fname mtext_list pt sectexts txs x)(command "_zoom" "_e")(if (setq sectexts (ssget "X"(list (cons 0 "mtext") (cons 8 "C-ROAD-SCTN-TITL") (cons 62 92) (cons 40 2.0) (cons 7 "Standard") (cons 1 "*+*") (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))) )(progn(setq mtext_list(mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex sectexts))) ) (setq contours (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (setq pt (vlax-get x 'insertionpoint)) (cons (vlax-get x 'textstring) (list (list (- (car pt) 24) (cadr pt)) (list (+ (car pt) 24) (cadr pt)) (list (+ (car pt) 24) (- (cadr pt) 24)) (list (- (car pt) 24) (- (cadr pt) 24)) ) ) ) ) mtext_list ) ) (setq datalist (mapcar '(lambda (x)(cons (car x) (list (if (setq txs (ssget "wp" (cdr x) (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 8 "are-block") (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))) ) (vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname txs 0)) 'textstring) "" ) (if (setq txs (ssget "wp" (cdr x) (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 8 "are-block1") (cons 410 (getvar "ctab"))) ) ) (vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname txs 0)) 'textstring) "" ) )) ) contours ) ) (setq fname (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) ".txt");csv record "\t")datafile) )(close datafile)(getstring "\n\t\t *** Press Enter to open resulting file ***");;(startapp "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\EXCEL.EXE" (strcat "\"" fname "\""))(startapp "NOTEPAD.EXE" (strcat "\"" fname "\"")) ) )(princ))(prompt "\n\t\t >>> Start command with Txtin :cry:does not work !!!!!!!