Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 09:28:15

You can include a mode_tile statement within the action_tile statement of the first popup_list.
However, a popup_list will always have a selection (even before the user has chosen something an item will be shown), so the behaviour you are looking to achieve may not be intuitive for the user.

Vismut65 发表于 2022-7-6 09:33:07

Tanks Lee for your anwer,
I have one more issue. I want to have different contents in two popup_lists "mylist20" and "mylist21" depending of chooise "sp" or "tp". I have wrote a code see below but it doesnt work. Can you help me?.

(action_tile "sp" (progn (action_tile "str_s2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist1)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist70)") (action_tile "str_m2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist2)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist71)") (action_tile "str_l2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist3)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist72)") (action_tile "str_s3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist4)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist73)")(action_tile "str_m3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist5)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist74)")(action_tile "str_l3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist6)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist75)") ))(action_tile "tp" (progn (action_tile "str_s2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist6)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist76)") (action_tile "str_m2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist7)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist77)") (action_tile "str_l2" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist8)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist78)") (action_tile "str_s3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist9)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist79)")(action_tile "str_m3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist10)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist80)")(action_tile "str_l3" "(FillPopupList1 \"mylist20\" mylist11)(FillPopupList2 \"mylist21\" mylist81)") ))

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 09:40:14

action_tile expressions should be strings, but you are nesting action_tile statements within action_tile statements...
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