xiaxiang 发表于 2022-7-6 08:37:30

Help!Many codes listed in lisp

I am sorry to disturb youbut ...
I find a doc file from "forums.autodesk.com" and Many of the lisp file was listed in it,such as:
1.LSP   Copies objects and puts them in same exact place as original.
AC.LSP   Copies text to replace other text.
*****ECLN.LSP   (Empty CleaN) Cleans dwgs of unreferenced images & empty groups, empty blocks, empty text, named layer filters, and unused RegAppsobjects – good for large 3D dwgs
*****ECLN.DVB   (goes with above)
ACLOCK.LSP   Anologue clock by Korean. Use CTRL_C to stop.
ADDDIR.LSP   Routine to add directories; can be changed to add, subtract or what is listed can be renamed.
ADDPRE.LSP   Adds text to beginning of text.
and much more
Who has this Archive of SWEET codes?
Many thanks!

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-6 09:16:07

As the user that posted this document states, this is a compilation of lisps from various sources - have you tried searching for the individual lisps on Autodesks forums and/or Cadalyst?

xiaxiang 发表于 2022-7-6 09:45:13

Never.It's a hard project for searching.
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