[Help] How to check if entity
Please help me, i've a problem :How to check if entity be viewed in a Viewport ?
For Ex, how can i erase , or locked...or do sth.. all viewport that view into a Line ?
Srr for my poor English and Thanks all ^^ You would need to translate the Viewport Boundary to Modelspace coordinates using the correct transformation matrix based on the scale/twist etc of the viewport (I think gile wrote a function to calculate this matrix), then check whether your objects lie within this point set.
Found it:
http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=29231.msg347755#msg347755 Thank you very much LeeI try it now ^^
P/s : i'm digging Theswamp and lisp..wow.. how a great data to learn and learn and learn...
You're welcome
TheSwamp is awesome - so many clever guys there. As an example for you, this quickly written code will use gile's PCS2WCS function to create an LWPolyline Viewport boundary in Modelspace:
(defun c:test ( / _lwvertices _lwpoly cen ent lst vp x ) (defun _lwvertices ( e ) (if (setq e (member (assoc 10 e) e)) (cons (cons (cdr (assoc 10 e)) (assoc 42 e)) (_lwvertices (cdr e))) ) ) (defun _lwpoly ( l ) (entmakex (append (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbPolyline") (cons 90 (length l)) '(70 . 1) '(410 . "Model") ) (apply 'append l) ) ) ) (if (setq vp (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "VIEWPORT")))) (progn (setq vp (entget (ssname vp 0))) (if (setq ent (cdr (assoc 340 vp))) (setq lst (_lwvertices (entget ent))) (setq cen (mapcar 'list (cdr (assoc 10 vp)) (list (/ (cdr (assoc 40 vp)) 2.0) (/ (cdr (assoc 41 vp)) 2.0) ) ) lst (mapcar (function (lambda ( a ) (cons (mapcar 'apply a cen) '(42 . 0.0))) ) '((- -) (+ -) (+ +) (- +)) ) ) ) (setq vp (cdr (assoc -1 vp))) (_lwpoly (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (list (cons 10 (PCS2WCS (car x) vp)) (cdr x))) lst)) ) ) (princ)) Thank you Lee, it gave me some new funny idea^^ .........