ahyin 发表于 2022-7-6 08:49:11

can't load acaddoc.lsp in

Dear All,
anyone know which file to control read autolisp file in support file search path, because I have already add the search path to read the acaddoc.lsp file. But it is unable to loading.
Thanks !

MSasu 发表于 2022-7-6 08:59:29

There are two possible causes that your acaddoc.lsp file isn't loaded:
   1. The location isn't good - to check this write the code below on command prompt - if return the path, then the location is OK:

(findfile "acaddoc.lsp")
   2. The content of the file isn't valid - in this case you can post the trouble-maker file here for a debug.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-6 09:11:17

Just curious.What is the full file path to your acaddoc.lsp file?

ahyin 发表于 2022-7-6 09:21:30

thanks for all of your reply, the search path in c:\document and setting\all users\cad. This path I'm used for a long time but yesterday it doesn't work. I'm not sure it there any AutoCAD configuration files to control the loading of this acaddoc.lsp file.
Thanks again !

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-6 09:33:43

The path used to work but has since stopped working?Odd indeed.
Why didn't you put your acaddoc.lsp file in the AutoCAD Support folder?

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 09:48:41

Did you try:

(findfile "acaddoc.lsp")At the command-line as msasu suggested?
If the above returns nil, it means AutoCAD cannot find your ACADDOC.lsp file, which perhaps means that your path is not listed as a support path.
Check that your path is present under Tools > Options > Files (tab) > Support File Search Path

ahyin 发表于 2022-7-6 09:56:38

thanks for all ! Yes, I have added
(findfile "acaddoc.lsp" ) before. I'm not sure above return nil or not, I will check it later. Acaddoc.lsp have been in search path as Lee Mac said.under Tools > Options > Files (tab) > Support File. Search Path. Actually, I have above setting long time ago and working well. So I want to check any autocad configuration files to control this setting. Thanks again for all of of your suggestion.
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