:眨眼: 谢谢李,我还意识到,如果我要使用lambda,我也可以提供首字母(sssdd)作为参数。 我还没看你贴什么还吃我的鸡蛋,我想说谢谢李。
You are correct that lambda is an anonymous function, but that is not important. TO remove confusion, let's just use this:
Edit: Guess it would help if I post that revised code, huh!? LoL
(defun c:FOO(/ ss e typ eData) (vl-load-com) (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((-4 . "")))) (progn (setq e (entlast)) (command "._copy" ss "" '(0 0 0) '(0 0 0)) (while (/= nil (setq e (entnext e))) (cond ((= "INSERT" (setq typ (cdr (assoc 0 (setq eData (entget e)))))) ;;origin, i.e., no displacement) once... instead of multiple times, once for each entity. That's all.</p>
This I find to be strange. The preceding period, and underscore "._" simply mean that the English version of the core AutoCAD command are to be used, as any AutoCAD command can be redefined. I do not yet have 2012 software installed, or I would test. But I can assure you that that should pose no issue. I think i understand it now.
where you have
is where you will go the edata and pull out what you need correct?
Correct. That is where you should include your code, which takes action(s) on that entity type ("INSERT", or "MTEXT,TEXT") respectively.
A quick FYI, SelectionSets, like Entity Names and VLA-Objects, act like 'pointers' in that you don't have to reassign the variable when the data is manipulated, e.g.
(defun c:foo ( / en s1 s2 ) (if (setq s1 (ssget "_:L")) (progn (setq en (entlast) s2 (ssadd)) (command "_.copy" s1 "" "_non" '(0. 0. 0.) "_non" '(0. 0. 0.)) (while (setq en (entnext en)) (ssadd en s2)) (sssetfirst nil s2) ) ) (princ))
:wink: Thanks Lee, I also realized that if I was going to use lambda, I could also have supplied the initial (sssdd) as an argument. I have not looked at what you have posted still eating my eggs, i wanted to say Thanks to Lee Mac.
I went to your webpage and incorporated the screenpoint for DCL into my command it works great.