radualex37 发表于 2022-7-6 09:26:44


radualex37 发表于 2022-7-6 09:29:33


CAD89 发表于 2022-7-6 09:32:21

你能把测量信息发给我吗?整个坐标表?(inventarul de coordonate cu tot cu coduri)或带有点的dwg文件,以便我可以查看是否可以对其进行处理?

radualex37 发表于 2022-7-6 09:37:20

1 586854.710 393648.155 331.680 pom
2 586873.282 393644.289 331.794 pom
3 586857.839 393652.687 331.528 d
4 586872.768 393644.648 331.607 d
5 586853.165 393655.549 331.740升
6 586856.005 393654.101 331.689罐
7 586859.952 393658.946 331.575 pom
8 586881.205 393660.062 331.712 pom
9 586861.705 393660.394 331.518 d
10 586881.269 393661.062 331.543 d
11 586857.076 393663.318 331.737立方厘米
12 586884.052 393665.358 331.715秒
13 586861.869 393662.437 331.624秒
14 586862.469 393661.957 331.528 b
15 586884.992 393667.489 331.686采购订单
16 586862.643 393662.921 331.517 b
17 586862.698 393664.319 331.502 b
18 586862.412 393666.086 331.516 b
19 586862.113 393667.451 331.548 b
20 586861.195 393668.850 331.571 b
21 586860.224 393670.112 331.574 b
22 586855.889 393672.728 331.631 b
23 586855.062 393672.691 331.643 b
24 586854.416 393672.467 331.645 b
25 586854.125 393672.127 331.671 b
26 586852.339 393669.337 331.796 b
27 586847.472 393672.501 331.911 b
28 586849.434 393676.126 331.866 b
29 586849.543 393676.497 331.965 b
30 586848.582 393677.065 331.878 b
31 586848.402 393676.970 331.816 b
32 586842.145 393673.393 331.953 b
33 586840.766 393675.562 331.925 b
34 586839.555 393674.875 331.892 b
35 586838.241 393677.182 330.703 b
36 586837.097 393676.339 330.742 b
37 586835.917 393678.611 331.824 b
38 586834.645 393678.024 331.820 b
39 586833.457 393680.314 332.040 b
40 586836.309 393681.819 331.992 b
41 586836.653 393682.239 331.970 b
42 586836.746 393682.946 331.960 b
43 586836.491 393683.459 331.990 b
44 586829.675 393688.116 332.114 b
45 586828.557 393689.206 333.564 sp
46 586827.854 393688.125 333.689立方厘米
47 586828.049 393687.254 332.778升
48 586834.517 393683.250 332.547立方厘米
49 586832.073 393678.759 332.568立方厘米
50 586838.982 393674.356 332.258立方厘米
51 586839.789 393673.884 332.056立方厘米
52 586844.852 393670.774 331.921立方厘米
53 586848.321 393675.923 331.862秒
54 586847.843 393675.497 331.988 asp
55 586848.338 393675.109 331.913 asp
56 586847.518 393674.867 332.236 asp
57 586848.006 393674.583 331.917 asp
58 586845.384 393671.936 331.891 b
59 586852.727 393667.219 331.820 b
60 586846.514 393674.088 331.850 b
61 586854.395 393669.863 331.782 b
apa 62 586847.563 393671.842 331.852
63 586848.183 393671.425 331.848 apa
64 586847.314 393671.346 332.218 apa
65 586847.933 393671.026 331.857 apa
66 586849.375 393670.850 331.795 comp
67 586849.959 393670.442 331.795 comp
68 586849.716 393670.044 331.797 comp
69 586849.087 393670.395 332.156复合
70 586849.562 393669.767 331.836 comp
71 586848.760 393670.282 331.819 comp
72 586854.244 393671.482 331.727复合
73 586854.708 393671.168 331.749 comp
74 586853.865 393670.857 332.104 comp
75 586854.343 393670.593 331.764 comp
76 586855.614 393669.555 331.579小时
77 586856.396 393669.638 331.667 r
78 586857.904 393670.497 331.722 r
79 586856.575 393666.461 331.806选择
80 586857.392 393666.239 331.827选择
81 586856.989 393665.342 331.862选择

Tyke 发表于 2022-7-6 09:40:07

You originally said a format with a height (Z) value, then it was omitted in post #5. If you are collecting data using a total station, what happened to your Z values? Normally data from a total station has a Z value, if you use it that is a different matter, but I wouldn't simply discard it from my raw data.
Edit: Then in post#14 your data has a Z value. Do you also need to insert blocks and automatically join lines?
Do you have a fixed code list that you use for every survey and do you have your CAD standards already set up; layer name, colour, linetype, line thickness, etc?
Get those sorted out first and then tailor your LISP / VBA to suit.

pBe 发表于 2022-7-6 09:42:55

1 is the color?
586854.710 393648.155 331.680 the XYZ coordinates?
pom Layer?
Create a POLYLINE, Color red, on prom layer?
wherein color is NOT bylayer?
Anyhoo.. tried this with your points and it gave me a strange looking 3dpolyline vertices

(defun c:test (/ fl pf lne ptlst a b) (setq fl (getfiled "Select Point File" "" "txt" ) (setq pf (open (findfile fl) "r")) (while (setq lne (read-line pf))   (setq ptlst (cons (read (strcat "(" lne ")")) ptlst)) ) (close pf) (setq ptlst (reverse ptlst)) (while (and (setq a (car ptlst))      (setq b (cadr ptlst)) )   (command "_.3dpoly"   "_non"   (list (cadr a)    (caddr a)    (cadddr a)   )   "_non"   (list (cadr b)    (caddr b)    (cadddr b)   )   ""   )   (setq ent (entget (entlast)))   (entmod   (subst (cons 8 (vl-symbol-name (last a))) (assoc 8 ent) ent)   )   (entmod (subst (cons 62 (car a)) (assoc 8 ent) ent))   (setq ptlst (cdr ptlst)) ))
Now I'm almost certain i misunderstood your request

radualex37 发表于 2022-7-6 09:47:02

no 1,2,3 ... are the points IDs. It's ideal to have Z, but, optional. I just want for every code ( the description of the point ) to have a different color so that i can join them with a polyline more easely (manualy). The best way is probably by puting different point descriptions on different layers. In the folowing picture, i.ve observed some points. The 4 red points represent a building (for ex) and I know that I should draw the pl throu them and them alone, because they are red ( they have the same description).
Sorry for my english, i'l get better I promisehere is the print screen http://dl.transfer.ro/transfer_ro-20sep-f35f9fc01ef122.zip

radualex37 发表于 2022-7-6 09:49:45

points with description S are placed on layer S
points with description x are placed on layer x
i don't even need the point ID, a circle would be sufficent

alanjt 发表于 2022-7-6 09:51:15

Not tested...

(defun c:Importer (/ file fopen line) (vl-load-com) (if (setq file (getfiled " Select a coordinate file to import:" (getvar 'DWGPREFIX) "TXT" 2))   (progn (setq fopen (open file "R"))          (while (setq line (read-line fopen))            (setq line (read (strcat "(" line ")")))            (entmakex (list '(0 . "POINT")                            (cons 8 (vl-princ-to-string (last line)))                            (cons 10 (reverse (cdr (reverse (cdr line)))))                      )            )          )          (close fopen)   ) ) (princ))

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 09:56:57

The answer to do this properly is to look at the descriptor it either has a look up table that says its a point or it has within the code a control that identifies it as a string or a point. eg 00pom v's 01pom the 00 is a point no matter howmany but the 01pom says join string 1 poms together string 02pom is not joined to 01pom!
This is basic surveying technique used by all surveyors using total stations.
For those wanting to write a string program I would start by sorting all points on the point number first then secondly on the descriptor this way they are grouped and recorded in the order surveyed. Then a simple read line program would work. Next step is if a point what block to attach.
For those that know 01F*03F this is a point which is a building line intersection with fence 03 your plan would draw a T connecting all line work Fence 01 & 03
It does not matter in your descriptors wether there numbers, alpha or combination.
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