Initget/Getkword: press any k
Title says it all really. I am trying to allow the user to easily/quickly choose whether to do something by pressing any key (or perhaps the spacebar), or to bypass the option with 'Enter'.I cannot figure out how to do this with getkword or getstring, but I am fairly novice at autolisp and would be grateful for some pointers.
thanks Since a 'Space' is considered 'Enter' I think the closest you will get is:
(initget "A B")(if (= "A" (getkword "\nChoose <B>: ")) ... Do A ... ... Do B ...)
Perhaps have a read of my tutorial on the topic.
I suppose you could use a workaround with getstring, but its not the best practice:
(if (= "" (getstring t "\nPress Any Key for A, Enter for B: ")) ... Do B ... ... Do A ...) Check this out buddy .
Option A
(if (not (eq (setq ansA (getstring "\n Press any key to go with A :")) "" ) ) (alert " Now you are going with option A ") (alert " It is not going with A"))Option B
(if (eq (setq ansB (getstring "\n Press Enter to go with B :")) "" ) (alert " Now you are going with option B ") (alert " It is not going with B"))Tharwat Had not seen Tharwat's post when I chose this solution:
(initget "Set Not") (setq ans (cond ( (getkword "\nSet planting area in name tag? : ")) ("Set"))) (if (= ans "Set") (progn (command "-vbarun" "SetPlantingArea")(princ) ))
The 'setplantingarea' vba routine does not expect any arguments. The line
(command "-vbarun" "setplantingarea") runs in isolation without returning any error. However, when run as part of the code snippet I get:
Set planting area in tag? : s
Set planting area in tag? :
*Invalid selection*
Expects a point or Last
*Invalid selection*
Expects a point or Last
Function cancelledSelect area object:
Command: Select destination tag:
I have no idea what is generating the 'invalid selection' error! The SetPlantingArea routine works perfectly despite the error on the command line. Why not nil = A no matter what else make it "B"
(setq ans (getstring))
(if (= ans nil)(setq ans "A")(setq ans "B")) I use a this scenario quite a lot:
(initget "Yes No")(if (/= "No" (getkword "\nDo It - (Yes/No) : ")) (do_it))
This way a "Yes" or a nil ( enter ) both return T-David