塞尔吉奥 是的,如果您将dcl设置为循环以供用户输入,则可以
你能把你的dcl文件寄出去吗 给你,谢谢
UNO : dialog {
label = "Primera ventana";//Titulo de la ventana
spacer;//espacio entre renglones
: row {
alignment = centered;
fixed_width = true;
: image_button {
key = "LINE";
width = 20;
height = 10;
color = -2;
: image_button {
key = "";
width = 20;
height = 10;
color = -2;
: image_button {
key = "";
width = 20;
height = 10;
color = -2;
: image_button {
key = "";
width = 20;
height = 10;
color = -2;
: image_button {
key = "";
width = 20;
height = 10;
color = -2;
: row {
fixed_width = true;
alignment = left;
: ok_button {
width = 11;
: cancel_button {
width = 11;
} 循环是在调用dcl对话框的lisp中创建的
在这种情况下,当用户单击对话框上的按钮时,将调用以下动作互动程序(action\u tile“qdx\u wld”“(done\u dialog 4)”)
(=what_next 4)
(defun qdx:DialogInput (/ dcl_id dialogloaded dialogshow
dr_file dr_set qdx_depth
qdx_hwos qdx_matt qdx_sing
result userclick what_next
(setq dialogLoaded T
dialogShow T)
(if (= -1 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "qdx.DCL")))
(princ "\nERROR: Cannot load qdx.dcl")
(setq dialogLoaded nil)
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(setq what_next 2)
(while (>= what_next 2)
(if (and (not (new_dialog "qdx_maindlg" dcl_id))
) ;_ end of and
(princ "\nERROR: Cannot show dialog qdxdlg")
(setq dialogShow nil)
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(if (and dialogLoaded dialogShow)
(setq qdxff (findfile "c:/program files/quick draw/qdxlu.jdb"))
(if qdxff
(setq dr_file (open qdxff "r"))
(setq retval (read(read-line dr_file)))
(close dr_file)
(set_tile "qdx_hwo" (cdr(assoc 2 retval)));_hardware offset
(set_tile "qdx_mtk" (cdr(assoc 1 retval)));_material thick
(if (= (cdr(assoc 3 retval)) "1")
(set_tile "qdx_sin" "1");_single
(set_tile "qdx_dbl" "0");_double
(set_tile "qdx_sin" "0");_single
(set_tile "qdx_dbl" "1");_double
(set_tile "qdx_dpt" (cdr(assoc 4 retval)));_depth
(mode_tile "qdx_dpt" 2)
(set_tile "qdx_hwo" "0.5313");_hardware offset
(set_tile "qdx_mtk" "0.75");_material thick
(set_tile "qdx_sin" "1");_single
(set_tile "qdx_dbl" "0");_double
(set_tile "qdx_dpt" "20.00");_depth
(mode_tile "qdx_dpt" 2)
(action_tile "qdx_sin" "(set_tile \"qdx_dbl\" \"0\")")
(action_tile "qdx_dbl" "(set_tile \"qdx_sin\" \"0\")")
(action_tile "qdx_wld" "(done_dialog 4)")
(action_tile "qdx_obj" "(done_dialog 5)")
(action_tile "qdxhlp""(help \"QD50.HLP\" \"Topic13\")")
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)(setq UserClick nil) ")
"(setq qdx_sing (get_tile \"qdx_sin\"))"
"(setq qdx_depth (get_tile \"qdx_dpt\"))"
"(setq qdx_matt (get_tile \"qdx_mtk\"))"
"(setq qdx_hwos (get_tile \"qdx_hwo\"))"
"(if (> (atof(get_tile \"qdx_dpt\")) 0.00)(progn (done_dialog)(setq UserClick T))"
"(alert \" Enter a box depth.\")))"
) ;_end strcat
) ;_ end of action_tile
(setq what_next (start_dialog))
(if UserClick ; User clicked Ok
;; Build the resulting data
(setq result
(cons 3 qdx_sing);single or double
(cons 4 qdx_depth);_depth
(cons 1 qdx_matt);_material thickness
(cons 2 qdx_hwos);_hardware offset
) ;_ end of list
(qdx_wt_fl (vl-prin1-to-string result));_write last used to file
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
((= what_next 4)
(command "ucs" "world"))
((= what_next 5)
);_end cond
);_end while
(unload_dialog dcl_id)
) ;_ end of defun