; remove xref paths
; select the first block
(setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK" 1))
; repeat for each block definition in the drawing
(while (/= blk nil)
; determine if the block is an xref
(setq groupcode70 (cdr (assoc 70 blk)))
; determine if groupcode70 contains a bitwise 4
; this would indicate it is an xref
(if (= 4 (logand 4 groupcode70))
; if groupcode70 contains a bitwise 32 it is resolved
(if (= 32 (logand 32 groupcode70))
; it is resolved
; strip out path if present
(if(setq xrefname (cdr (assoc 1 blk)))
(if (wcmatch xrefname "*\\*")
; change the old name to the new
(command ".-xref" "p"
(cdr (assoc 2 blk))
(strcat (vl-filename-base xrefname)(vl-filename-extension xrefname))
) ;end command
)) ;end if
) ;end progn
(progn) ; xref is unresolved - do not try to change it
(progn) ; the block is not an xref
; select the next block
(setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK"))
);_end progn 这对我来说很有用:
(defun c:FOO(/ path)
(cond (*activeDoc*)
((setq *activeDoc*
(vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))))
(vlax-for x(vla-get-blocks *activeDoc*)
(if (and (vlax-property-available-p x 'isxref)
(= :vlax-true (vla-get-isxref x)))
(strcat (vl-filename-base (setq path (vla-get-path x)))
(vl-filename-extension path)))))
(vla-endundomark *activeDoc*)
编辑-如果不喜欢使用参照管理器,可以将上面发布的代码中的vlax for语句(稍作调整)应用于ObjectDBX函数,该函数将遍历特定项目目录中的所有图形,并对每个图形的“模型”布局的块对象进行此更改(如果适用)(假设外部参照以毫秒为单位)。
希望这有帮助! 干净多了,谢谢