布鲁斯 oLst变量中的所有测量值。
(defun c:test(/ sDim dSet dLst dSty oLst)
(setq sDim(entsel "\nPick sample dimension > "))
(equal '(0 . "DIMENSION")(assoc 0(entget(car sDim))))
(setq dSty(assoc 3(entget(car sDim))))
); end and
(setq dSet(ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "DIMENSION") dSty))
dLst(vl-remove-if 'listp(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex dSet)))
); end setq
(foreach d dLst
(setq oLst(append oLst(list(cdr(assoc 42(entget d))))))
); end foreach
); end progn
(progn "\n<!> This isn't dimension <!> ")
); end if
(princ "\n")(textscr)
); end of c:test
Ок. 所选dimstyle的所有尺寸的总和长度。
(defun c:test(/ sDim dSet dLst dSty oLst)
(setq sDim(entsel "\nPick sample dimension > "))
(equal '(0 . "DIMENSION")(assoc 0(entget(car sDim))))
(setq dSty(assoc 3(entget(car sDim))))
); end and
(setq dSet(ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "DIMENSION") dSty))
dLst(vl-remove-if 'listp(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex dSet)))
); end setq
(foreach d dLst
(setq oLst(append oLst(list(cdr(assoc 42(entget d))))))
); end foreach
); end progn
(progn "\n<!> This isn't dimension <!> ")
); end if
(princ(strcat "\nSum length for '"
(cdr dSty)
"' dimstyle: "
(rtos(apply '+ oLst))
); end strcat
); end princ
); end of c:test Smirnoff,这很好用,但是我知道Dimstyle的名称,不想为此选择尺寸。我想输入dimstyle名称作为变量ie;(setq变量“TtoTSLine”),其中“TtoTSLine”是dimstyle的名称。我一直在玩弄你的代码,让它以这种方式运行,但没有成功。
布鲁斯 这就是你需要的?
(defun c:test(/ dSet dLst dSty oLst)
(setq dSty "TtoTSLine")
(if(setq dSet(ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "DIMENSION")(cons 3dSty ))))
(setq dLst(vl-remove-if 'listp(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex dSet)))
); end setq
(foreach d dLst
(setq oLst(append oLst(list(cdr(assoc 42(entget d))))))
); end foreach
(princ(strcat "\nSum length for '"
"' dimstyle: "
(rtos(apply '+ oLst))
); end strcat
); end princ
); end progn
(princ "\n<!> No dimensions found <!> ")
); end if
); end of c:test 斯米尔诺夫,效果很好,非常感谢你的努力。
布鲁斯 没问题。这只是对大脑神经元的一个小练习。 注意DimRadial和DimAngular。径向可能是可以接受的(取决于一个人的情况),但角度将返回以弧度为单位的角度。
(defun c:DimSum (/ ss)
;; Alan J. Thompson
(if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
((lambda (i total / e d)
(while (setq e (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
(or (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 100 (reverse (setq d (entget e))))) "*Angular*,*Radial*")
(setq total (+ total (cdr (assoc 42 d))))
(or (zerop total) (alert (princ (strcat "\nTotal: " (rtos total)))))