;;; Load personal settings function:
(defun c:LPS(/ linList linetypesTable layerTable layerName layerItem
layerColor layerLineType)
(cond (*activeDoc*)
((setq *activeDoc*
(vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))))
;; Linetypes check
(foreach lin'("hidden"
(if (not (tblsearch "LTYPE" lin))
(setq linList (cons lin linList))))
(if linList
(foreach linlinList
((setq linetypesTable (vla-get-linetypes *activeDoc*))))
;; Layer check
(foreach lay'(("BALLOON" "15" "CONTINUOUS")
("CENTER" "35" "CENTER" "")
("HIDDEN" "252" "HIDDEN2")
(setq layerTable (vla-get-layers *activeDoc*))
(if (tblsearch "LAYER" (setq layerName (car lay)))
(setq layerItem (vla-item layerTable layerName))
(setq layerItem (vla-add layerTable layerName)))
(if (/= (setq layerColor (cadr lay)) (vla-get-color layerItem))
(vla-put-color layerItem layerColor))
(if (/= (setq layerLineType (caddr lay))
(vla-get-linetype layerItem))
(vla-put-linetype layerItem layerLineType))
;; <- Additional layer checks go here, eg. freeze, description, etc.
(vla-endundomark *activeDoc*)
(if (= 1 (getvar 'dwgtitled)) ; If drawing is named,
(c:LPS)) ; Load personal settings
Thanks all!
I will study your revamped code examples and suggestions - it looks like the answer to my original post is in there. Hi Diedesigner,
I just happen to read this, maybe I can help because, one day, I had exactly the same problem.
It was caused by anin a lisp routine. Or so to say a "" too much. I cannot tell exactly how and where but I'd say somewhere at the end of a code.
What happens is when AutoCAD starts up, the routine is loaded, and anis given. Just the same as when starting up vanilla AutoCAD; when ready, hit enter and the help pops up.
My 2 cents. ("center" "35" "center" "")