Intersection Line & Rectangle
Here's one that is proving to be a bit tougher than I initailly thought it to be:In plain autolisp ( no vl, vla, vlax, vlaxr.....)
Does the red line intersect inside the yellow rectangle
The 4 points of the yellow rectangle are always coplaner
The 4 points always form a rectangle
The rectangle is not always WCS
The red line is always predindicular to the the yellow plane
return nil if the red line is:
outside the rectangle
totally above the rectangle
totally below the rectangle
Return T if the any part ( 3D ) of the red line intersects the plane
-David A query ... is the rectangle's 4 corners always on the same plane? I.e. placing a UCS on 3 of them you can change the 4 lines into a single LW Polyline? If so this is merely difficult maths, if not it would become rocket science.
Notice the hint: use UCS to obtain new values for the 6 points through the trans function. Yes, the yellow lines are always coplaner.
I don't see how an LWPOLYLINE would help....
I can make a UCS 3PT from the rectangle.I can then find the intersection of the translated line points with the current UCS,but it still doesn't tell the relationship to the rectangle.
Thanks!-David This will return the intersection between the Line and the Plane (should the line not be parallel to the plane):
;; Intersection between Line & Plane - Lee Mac 2011;; Args: l1,l2 - points defining the Line;; p1,p2,p3 - points defining the Plane(defun IntersLinePlane ( l1 l2 p1 p2 p3 / n v d ) (setq n (unit (v^v (mapcar '- p3 p2) (mapcar '- p1 p2)))) (setq v (unit (mapcar '- l2 l1))) (if (not (equal 0.0 (setq d (vxv n v)) 1e-) (mapcar '+ l1 (vxs v (/ (vxv (mapcar '- p1 l1) n) d))) ));; Vector Cross (Wedge) Product - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: u,v - vectors in R^3(defun v^v ( u v ) (list (- (* (cadr u) (caddr v)) (* (cadr v) (caddr u))) (- (* (carv) (caddr u)) (* (caru) (caddr v))) (- (* (caru) (cadrv)) (* (carv) (cadru))) ));; Vector Norm - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n(defun norm ( v ) (sqrt (apply '+ (mapcar '* v v))));; Unit Vector - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n(defun unit ( v ) ( (lambda ( n ) (if (equal 0.0 n 1e-14) nil (vxs v (/ 1.0 n)))) (norm v)));; Vector x Scalar - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n, s - real scalar(defun vxs ( v s ) (mapcar '(lambda ( n ) (* n s)) v));; Vector Dot Product - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: u,v - vectors in R^n(defun vxv ( u v ) (apply '+ (mapcar '* u v)))
From there you just need to determine whether the returned point lies inside your rectangle in the plane... Or here's a bit more of a convoluted method:
;;; rect = list containing 4 points (of a true rectangle drawn clock- or anti-clockwise),;;; 1st, 2nd & 4th is used to obtain the UCS. 3rd is effectively ignored.;;; line = list of 2 points(defun line-rect-int-p (rect line / ptA ptB ptC ptD pt1 pt2 pt0 res dist distBelow distAbove) ;; Ensure the lists contain WCS points (setq rect (list (trans (car rect) 1 0) (trans (cadr rect) 1 0) (trans (caddr rect) 1 0) (trans (cadddr rect) 1 0)) line (list (trans (car line) 1 0) (trans (cadr line) 1 0)) ) ;; Obtain the 6 points as translated to a UCS of the rectangle (command "_.UCS" "_None" (car rect) "_None" (cadr rect) "_None" (cadddr rect)) (setq ptA (trans (car rect) 0 1) ptB (trans (cadr rect) 0 1) ptC (trans (caddr rect) 0 1) ptD (trans (cadddr rect) 0 1) pt1 (trans (car line) 0 1) pt2 (trans (cadr line) 0 1) ) (command "_.UCS" "_Prev") ;; Check if line passes through the UCS (if (or (and (= (caddr pt2))) (and (>= (caddr pt1)) ( Updated my code to check for inside rectangle also:
;; Line In Rectangle - Lee Mac 2011;; Args: l1,l2 - points defining the Line;; p1,p2,p3,p4 - points defining the Rectangle(defun LineInRectangle-p ( l1 l2 p1 p2 p3 p4 / i ) (and (setq i (IntersLinePlane l1 l2 p1 p2 p3)) ( (lambda ( points ) (apply 'InsideRectangle-p (cons (car points) (mapcar (function (lambda ( op ) (apply 'mapcar (cons op (cdr points)))) ) '(min max) ) ) ) ) ( (lambda ( norm ) (mapcar (function (lambda ( p ) (trans p 0 norm)) ) (list i p1 p2 p3 p4) ) ) (unit (v^v (mapcar '- p3 p2) (mapcar '- p1 p2))) ) ) ));; Point Inside Rectangle - Lee Mac 2011;; Args: pt - point to test;; ll, ur - lower-left & upper-right of rectangle(defun InsideRectangle-p ( pt ll ur ) (and (apply '< (mapcar 'car(list ll pt ur))) (apply '< (mapcar 'cadr (list ll pt ur))) ));; Intersection between Line & Plane - Lee Mac 2011;; Args: l1,l2 - points defining the Line;; p1,p2,p3 - points defining the Plane(defun IntersLinePlane ( l1 l2 p1 p2 p3 / n v d ) (setq n (unit (v^v (mapcar '- p3 p2) (mapcar '- p1 p2)))) (setq v (unit (mapcar '- l2 l1))) (if (not (equal 0.0 (setq d (vxv n v)) 1e-) (mapcar '+ l1 (vxs v (/ (vxv (mapcar '- p1 l1) n) d))) ));; Vector Cross (Wedge) Product - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: u,v - vectors in R^3(defun v^v ( u v ) (list (- (* (cadr u) (caddr v)) (* (cadr v) (caddr u))) (- (* (carv) (caddr u)) (* (caru) (caddr v))) (- (* (caru) (cadrv)) (* (carv) (cadru))) ));; Vector Norm - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n(defun norm ( v ) (sqrt (apply '+ (mapcar '* v v))));; Unit Vector - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n(defun unit ( v ) ( (lambda ( n ) (if (equal 0.0 n 1e-14) nil (vxs v (/ 1.0 n)))) (norm v)));; Vector x Scalar - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: v - vector in R^n, s - real scalar(defun vxs ( v s ) (mapcar '(lambda ( n ) (* n s)) v));; Vector Dot Product - Lee Mac 2010;; Args: u,v - vectors in R^n(defun vxv ( u v ) (apply '+ (mapcar '* u v))) Wow.Had to step out for a bit.I'll dig into these todayThanks!-David Some simplifications ( mainly for me )
[*] Set UCS to WCS
[*] Make a UCS for any 3 WCS translated rectangle points
[*] Translate WCS Line points to the current ( rectangle ) UCS
[*] If the Line Z axis goes thru 0.0 then there is an intersection
[*] If an intersection exists, if any angle from the intersection point to any corner of the rectangle is > pi, then the intersection point is outside the rectangle
I might go back to > test to see if the point is in the box.I'd have to test the translations more to be comfortable with it.
irneb, we are convoluted in a similar method.
Lee, The math was a bit over my head.
Apologies, I should've commented it
Just for completeness, here is the outline to my method:
Plane can be described by:(x - x0) · n = 0Where x is any point in the plane, x0 is a fixed point in the plane and n is the plane normal.Just using the fact that any vector in the plane will be perpendicular to the plane normal => Dot product between those vectors = 0Line can be decribed by:y = y0 + vtWhere y is a point on the line, y0 is a fixed point on the line, v is the direction vector of the line, and t is the parameter, For intersection we want x = y, hence:(y0 + vt - x0) · n = 0Dot product is distributive, so:vt · n + (y0 - x0) · n = 0Finally, rearranging for our parameter t:t = (y0 - x0) · n/v · nIf the line is parallel to the plane, its direction vector will beperpendicular to the plane normal, and hence v · n = 0So we test for that before performing the division.
Hope this clarifies things better. Lee,
Thanks for the description.You're a lot further along in school than I made it or ever wanted to.
I'm getting a false positive:
(prin1 (LineInRectangle-p '(14 4 5) '(25 4 5) '(2 2 4) '(2 10 4) '(2 10 14) '(2 2 14)) )