ectech 发表于 2022-7-6 10:05:01

(assoc 270 (entlast))

Dear All,
Anyone can tell me (assoc 270 (entlast)). 270 is stand for which entities ? I can't find this item in dxf code table.
Thanks a lot !

pBe 发表于 2022-7-6 10:11:32

MATERIAL group codes ?
270 Projection method of bump map mapper (default = 1):
1 = Planar
2 = Box
3 = Cylinder
4 = Sphere

ectech 发表于 2022-7-6 10:15:52

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure this is material group codes or not but from existing code, it want to check the drawing unit is metric or not. After checking with the (assoc 270 (entsel)). It will use (setq a (cdr (assoc 270 xxx))) to check the value is equal to 55 or not.

The Buzzard 发表于 2022-7-6 10:21:29

Look in the Dimstyle Table Group
I highlighted it in red.

100 Subclass marker (AcDbDimStyleTableRecord) 2 Dimension style name 70 Standard flag values (bit-coded values):16 = If set, table entry is externally dependent on an xref32 = If both this bit and bit 16 are set, the externally dependent xref has been successfully resolved64 = If set, the table entry was referenced by at least one entity in the drawing the last time the drawing was edited. (This flag is for the benefit of AutoCAD® commands. It can be ignored by most programs that read DXF™ files and need not be set by programs that write DXF files) 3 DIMPOST 4 DIMAPOST 5 DIMBLK (obsolete, now object ID) 6 DIMBLK1 (obsolete, now object ID) 7 DIMBLK2 (obsolete, now object ID) 40 DIMSCALE 41 DIMASZ 42 DIMEXO 43 DIMDLI 44 DIMEXE 45 DIMRND 46 DIMDLE 47 DIMTP 48 DIMTM 140 DIMTXT 141 DIMCEN 142 DIMTSZ 143 DIMALTF 144 DIMLFAC 145 DIMTVP 146 DIMTFAC 147 DIMGAP 148 DIMALTRND 71 DIMTOL 72 DIMLIM 73 DIMTIH 74 DIMTOH 75 DIMSE1 76 DIMSE2 77 DIMTAD 78 DIMZIN 79 DIMAZIN 170 DIMALT 171 DIMALTD 172 DIMTOFL 173 DIMSAH 174 DIMTIX 175 DIMSOXD 176 DIMCLRD 177 DIMCLRE 178 DIMCLRT 179 DIMADEC 270 DIMUNIT (obsolete, now use DIMLUNIT AND DIMFRAC) 271 DIMDEC 272 DIMTDEC 273 DIMALTU 274 DIMALTTD 275 DIMAUNIT 276 DIMFRAC 277 DIMLUNIT 278 DIMDSEP 279 DIMTMOVE 280 DIMJUST 281 DIMSD1 282 DIMSD2 283 DIMTOLJ 284 DIMTZIN 285 DIMALTZ 286 DIMALTTZ 287 DIMFIT (obsolete, now use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE) 288 DIMUPT 289 DIMATFIT 340 DIMTXSTY (handle of referenced STYLE) 341 DIMLDRBLK (handle of referenced BLOCK) 342 DIMBLK (handle of referenced BLOCK) 343 DIMBLK1 (handle of referenced BLOCK) 344 DIMBLK2 (handle of referenced BLOCK) 371 DIMLWD (lineweight enum value) 372 DIMLWE (lineweight enum value)

pBe 发表于 2022-7-6 10:22:29

Now that makes more sense

ectech 发表于 2022-7-6 10:28:54

Thank you so much for your help !

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 10:31:58

The Group code 270 can mean different things for different entities, group 270 is used only because it has been designated to store a desired data type.

The Buzzard 发表于 2022-7-6 10:35:17

I have only seen 270 referenced in MATERIAL under OBJECT Group Codes and DIMSTYLE in the Table Group codes and not anywhere else to be found.
Where else could it be used?
Maybe I am misinterpreting what you mean, Could you elaborate a bit?

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 10:39:21

I'm just saying that a DXF Group code is not tied to an entity but rather used to store a specific data type (of course, there is a standard that is adhered to with regard to what the DXF code loosely represents, info here).
For example, if someone asks "What is DXF 11?"All we can really say is that it is a Double precision 3D point, but of course it could belong to AttDefs, Attribs, Text, Lines, Solids, 3DFaces, Ellipses... the list is pretty big.

The Buzzard 发表于 2022-7-6 10:44:46

Ok, I get your point now.
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