script problem: blank space in
Hi to everyone,this is my first post on the forum and I want to thanks to all of you will have patience to read my post.
I have a problem with the blank space in some filepaths of my script.
something like
C:\Documents and settings\test.txt
in a script line. AutoCAD consider the first blank space like an enter and of course it doesn't know the 'AND' command.
and my script doesn't work.
I know the most easy answer would be 'change your path in a different one without blank spaces!' but unfortunately I can't.
I don't know how to solve this problem. I heard AutoLISP is a stronger tool to use for that scope but I don't know anything about LISP. So I'll appreciate all of your tips and your help.
Thanks. You will find your answer here
Welcome to CADTutor Thank you very much Lee Mac!
I didn't think it could be so easy and thanks for your quick answer! for those without access to the link: just use "quotes"
"C:\Documents and settings\test.txt"
instead of
C:\Documents and settings\test.txt
You're welcome, I thought it would give a more complete answer, and maybe answer any other questions you might have thanks designerstuart and thanks for your help guys!
I like this forum and I hope to be useful to someone in the future.
Maybe when I'll a little bit more skilled! *cough* ScriptPro or AutoScript *cough* Hi everyone,
maybe I should open a new thread but since this is the second step of my project after running script files in AutoCAD I write here.
I'd like to create a batch application (I use C#) that launch AutoCAD, minimize the AutoCAD window and execute the script file. I found ScriptPro (thanks alanjt!) with its source code and I saw it uses reflection to open and manage AutoCAD, but I don't find the way to minimize AutoCAD window in its code.
Did anybody of you make something similar in your experiences, maybe without reflection?
Thanks again. You might want to look at this page:
(but the explantion is on Russian only - use web translator) Thanks for your post fixo.
I'll take a look for sure to that page.