在我的代码中:不,圆继承点的层。 哦,是的,我想这是由于使用了函数*subst*。
非常感谢。 如果您在发布时使用了civ3d,但您可以创建一个仅与块匹配的点样式等,但您不能分解它们,我们的测量点有树、阀门、覆盖100多个符号等,它是点编组属性的一部分,用于将块附着到点。为什么重新发明不尊重提供的lisp程序。
Suppose that the current layer is not the same Layer which points are laying on , so the created Circles would be
created under the current Layer Name. Am I right ?
In your code: yes.
In my code: no, the circle inherits the layer of the point. Oh yeah , I guess that was due to the use of function *subst*.
You are right .
Thank you If you have civ3d as you posted its a pain in the backside but you could create a point style that just matches a block etc but you can not explode them, our survey points have trees, valves, covers 100+ symbols etc it part of the point group properties to attach a block to a point. Why re-invent no dis-respect to the lisp programs provided.
Definitely - in-built functionality should take priority over LISP in 99% of cases - else the user is demonstrating a lack of knowledge of the program (I know I have in the past...)