Now it worked perfectly.
Thank you for your help. Aww, shucks... I just added to what Alanjt already provided you. :wink: Perhaps his layers are still locked.
(command "_.layer" "t" "LAYER_01" "u" "LAYER_01" "c" "50" "LAYER_01" "")SteveJ
EDIT: Oops. Nevermind Locking a layer only limits the user from editing objects on the layer; the layer itself can still be altered. Yeah. I was thinking from the Layer Properties Manager it would be easy, but using LISP might require that extra little step. Turns out that wasn't the problem, anyway.
SteveJ Still abusing the patience of colleagues, does anybody know how to write a subroutine to change the color of multiple layers?
I would like to activate this subroutine as follows:
(Subroutine "NewColor" "layername1, layername2, layername3,...")
Thanks in advance. Separate layer names with commas (no spaces before or after the comma)
"layername1,layername2,layername3"Also, wildcard character (*) is permitted
"layername*"would modify all the above