about dcl edit_box
hi,allis there any way to set the font color of edit_boxby property in dcl ?
for codes below:
by default,the font color is black,how can I change it to red?thanks.
toleranc : dialog { label = "toleranceediton"; : boxed_column { label = "tolerance"; : edit_box { label = "uppertolerance"; key = "dimtp"; edit_width = 8; } : edit_box { label = "downtolerance"; key = "dimtm"; edit_width = 8; } spacer_1; } : button { label = "restore"; key = "comeback"; } spacer; ok_cancel;} I don't think you can with standard DCL, take a look here and perhaps try OpenDCL:
http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?52498-Mode-less-dcl-dialog&p=355722&viewfull=1#post355722 thank you for your reply,I will try it. I believe Lee is correct.
But for giggles you may want to try http://web2.airmail.net/terrycad/Tutorials/MyDialogs.htm#MyBoldText
and use
color = //whatever #
under the
: text {
I'm away from cad so I cannot test this myself
That will be the background - but it is interesting that you can do that with image_tiles. I thought it probably wouldn't work but I figure its worth the try. There's some really cool things on his site. Lee,
I wanted to ask and I'll probably will start a new thread so this doesn't get confusing. How do you figure out the vector_image #'s? I used terry's program but it seems it doesn't get all of the objects I select.
This is quite the dcl morning! The vector images numbers are the coordinates of the vector start/end x/y values, relative to the dialog box tile coordinate system.
(vector_image x1 y1 x2 y2 colour)Hence all objects must be approximated by a series of vectors and the coordinates of the endpoints of such vectors translated relative the the dialog tile in which the origin is the top left corner.
You can also get the dimensions of the tile so that you know the viewing limits of the tile coordinate system using dimx_tile and dimy_tile. With this information you can scale the coordinates of your objects to fit within the tile.
There are quite a few program out there that will calculate the vectors, Terry's being one of them. I've also written one that gives me a little extra control over the alignment of the image in the tile.