; VBORD.LSP V1.0 by Zoltan Toth
; ZOTO Technologies,
; 23 Greenhills Dve,
; Melton 3337.
; E-MAIL: zoltan.toth@ains.net.au
; WWW: http://www.ains.net.au/zoto/
; Draws a border to the extents of the current viewport in layer
; DEFPOINTS so it will not plot. Layer DEFPOINTS will be created if
; needed. Useful for creating a border in Model space to indicate the
; extents of a Paper space viewport when working with TILEMODE = 1.
; This is done by changing Tilemode to zero, making a viewport current
; with the MSPACE command and then running VBORD. The border will be
; created automatically. Layer DEFPOINTS is sort of a "child" of layer
; 0 so anything you do to layer 0 will affect objects on layer
; DEFPOINTS as well. For some reason, you can't make changes to
; DEFPOINTS alone.
; Since most monitors have a slightly different dot pitch in the
; vertical and horizontal directions, a variable called PIX_RATIO is
; used to correct this. To determine what value PIX_RATIO should have,
; open a drawing and change TILEMODE to 0 if it isn't already and
; create a viewport whose X and Y dimensions are the values of your
; screen resolution ie. If your resolution is 1024x768 then your
; viewport dimensions should be 1024 drawing units wide and 768
; drawing units high. Make that viewport active and run VBORD with
; PIX_RATIO at the default value of 1.0. Then TILEMODE to 1 and you
; should see the rectangle created by VBORD. You may need to zoom out
; if you can't see it. Run the CAL command and at the:
; >> Expression:
; prompt, key in:
; (1024/768)/(dist(end,end)/dist(end,end))
; and hit <return>. The "(1024/768)" is assuming a video resolution of
; 1024x768. If yours is different, key that in.
; After you hit <return>, you will be faced with what looks like a
; pickbox the size of your APERTURE setting and a prompt on the command
; line:
; >> Select entity for _END snap:
; Pick the top left hand corner of the VBORD rectangle, then the top
; right corner of the rectangle, the top right again and then the bottom
; right corner. This compares the ratio of your video resolution ratio
; to the ratio of the width and height of the border drawn by VBORD - a
; ratio of ratios if you will. Once done, CAL will display a number on
; the command line which should be fairly close to 1. This is the value
; for PIX_RATIO.
; Make sure that you have configured the video display in AutoCAD to
; produce round circles and square squares prior to calculating the
; value for PIX_RATIO. Altering the video display ratio in the AutoCAD
; configuration will require you to recalculate PIX-RATIO.
; Should you have different machines on a network with different
; PIX-RATIO requirements, and they use the same VBORD.LSP, you can put
; in a COND function linked to either the _PKSER or LOGINNAME SETVAR to
; set PIX_RATIO according the the machine.
;define program and localize variables
(setq PIX_RATIO 1.0 ;set PIX_RATIO to horizontal/vertical dot pitch ratio of monitor
CMD2 (getvar "CMDECHO") ;save current command echo status
CLAY2 (getvar "CLAYER") ;save current layer
PWID2 (getvar "PLINEWID") ;save current POLYLINE width
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;turn off command echoing
(command "._UCS" "_VIEW") ;align UCS to view
(setq X_CEN (car (getvar "VIEWCTR")) ;get X value of viewport centre
Y_CEN (cadr (getvar "VIEWCTR")) ;get Y value of viewport centre
SCRHGT (getvar "VIEWSIZE") ;get height of viewport in dwg units
X_DIM (car (getvar "SCREENSIZE")) ;get height of viewport in pixels
Y_DIM (cadr (getvar "SCREENSIZE")) ;get width of viewport in pixels
XY_RATIO (/ X_DIM Y_DIM) ;calculate width:height ratio of viewport
SCRWID (* SCRHGT XY_RATIO PIX_RATIO) ;calculate width of viewport in dwg units
LEFTEX (- X_CEN (/ SCRWID 2.0)) ;\calculate left,
RIGHTEX (+ X_CEN (/ SCRWID 2.0)) ; \ right,
BOTEX (- Y_CEN (/ SCRHGT 2.0)) ; / bottom and
TOPEX (+ Y_CEN (/ SCRHGT 2.0)) ;/top extents of viewport
PT2 (list LEFTEX BOTEX 0.0) ;bottom left corner of viewport
PT3 (list RIGHTEX BOTEX 0.0) ;bottom right corner of viewport
PT4 (list RIGHTEX TOPEX 0.0) ;top right corner of viewport
PT5 (list LEFTEX TOPEX 0.0) ;top left corner of viewport
(command "._LAYER" "_MAKE" "CCC_LAYOUT_Viewport_Border" "") ;set current layer to DEFPOINTS
(command "._PLINE" PT2 "_WIDTH" "0.0" "" PT3 PT4 PT5 "_CLOSE") ;draw border
(command "._UCS" "_PREVIOUS") ;restore previous UCS
(setvar "CMDECHO" CMD2) ;restore command echo status
(setvar "CLAYER" CLAY2) ;restore previous layer
(setvar "PLINEWID" PWID2) ;restore previous POLYLINE width
(princ) ;exit quietly
这里有点单向对话。。。。。嗯!!!!! 我创建了一个具有属性的块来代替顶部图像中的坐标。如何更新服装? 我从上面的代码中看到,坐标被保存为变量PT2-PT5。如果要“去本地化”它们,可以在属性中使用字段(字段名>LispVariable)。每次需要更新时,都需要运行lisp并重新生成。 你说的“去本地化”是什么意思?如何设置它以使用LispVariables?我需要在CAD中创建新的LispVariable吗?ti与Diesel表达式有关吗? 当变量被声明为局部变量时,lisp例程完成后,它的值将返回到原始值(很可能为零)。如果未声明,则保留在例程中分配的值。当变量位于表达式中紧跟在(defun…下面红色的变量)之后的/之后时,它将被本地化
测验图纸 谢谢你。太棒了。这将为我们的下一份工作节省很多时间。