Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 10:51:37



Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 10:55:15

;c:m4bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M4 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers         ^c^c(if (not c:m4bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m4bolt
;c:m5bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M5 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers         ^c^c(if (not c:m5bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m5bolt
;c:m6bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M6 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers         ^c^c(if (not c:m6bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m6bolt
;c:m8bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M8 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers         ^c^c(if (not c:m8bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m8bolt
;c:m10bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M10 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m10bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m10bolt
;c:m12bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M12 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m12bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m12bolt
;c:m16bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M16 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m16bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m16bolt
;c:m20bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M20 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m20bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m20bolt
;c:m24bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M24 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m24bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m24bolt
;c:m30bolt drills hole in two pieces of steel and creates M30 bolt of appropriate length, nut and washers       ^c^c(if (not c:m30bolt)(load "dcbolt.fas"));m30bolt

(defun c:m4bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 4.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 5.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 9.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 0.80)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 3.50)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 2.90)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 3.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 0.25)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m5bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 5.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 6.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 10.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 1.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 4.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 3.60)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 4.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 0.25)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m6bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 6.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 7.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 12.50)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 1.6)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 5.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 4.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 5.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 0.50)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m8bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 8.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 10.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 17.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 1.6)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 6.50)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 5.50)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 6.50)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 0.50)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m10bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 10.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 12.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 21.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 2.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 8.50)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 7.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 8.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 0.75)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m12bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 12.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 14.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 24.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 2.50)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 9.50)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 8.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 10.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 1.0)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m16bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 16.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 18.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 30.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 3.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 12.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 10.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 13.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 1.25)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m20bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 20.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 22.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 37.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 3.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 15.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 13.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 16.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 1.5)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m24bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 24.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 28.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 44.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 4.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 18.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 15.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 19.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 1.75)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)

(defun c:m30bolt ( / msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)
(setq msize 30.00)        ;metric bolt size
(setq holedia 34.00)        ;clearance hole dia
(setq len1 -70.00)        ;max depth of drilled hole
(setq washerd 56.00)        ;washer o/d
(setq washert 4.00)        ;washer thickness
(setq boltaf 23.00)        ;half dim across flats
(setq boltthk 19.00)        ;depth of bolt head
(setq nutthk 24.00)        ;depth of nut
(setq ext1 5.00)        ;min extension past nut face
(setq boltend 2.00)        ;sets chamfer on end of bolt
(dcbolt msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend)


(defun dcbolt (msize holedia len1 washerd washert boltaf boltthk nutthk ext1 boltend / cm olderr attrerr *error* exsnaps
       curlayer layername colour linetype curlayer2 p1 objtypa ent1 enta entdataa objtypb ent2 entb entdatab
       cyl3 cyl4 washer1 list1 b1 b2 p2 p3 p4d p4 p5d p5 b3 b4 bolthead p6 p7 p8 len2 len3 len4 len5 len6 len7 len8
       len9 b5 msizer p9d p9 len10 p10 p11 b6 b7 shank bolt list2 cyl5 cyl6 washer2 list3 b9 b10 p12 p13 p14
       b11 b12 p15 p16 len11 p17 b13 b14 b15 b16 b17 nut)


Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 10:58:35

;set error handler and save current settings
(setq cm (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq olderr *error*)
(setq *error* attrerr)
(command "_.undo" "_group")
(setq exsnaps (getvar "osmode"))
(command "_ucs" "na" "d" "existing")
(command "_ucs" "na" "s" "existing")

;save current layer status and create layer "bolting"
(setq curlayer (getvar "clayer"))
(setq layername (strcat curlayer " BOLTING"))
(setq colour "8")
(setq linetype "continuous")
(layerset layername colour linetype)
(setq curlayer2 (getvar "clayer"))

;bolt routine start-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(setvar "osmode" 127)

;set face ucs to face
(command "ucs" "na" "d" "existing")
(princ "Pick face to be drilled")
(command "ucs" "NA" "S" "existing")
(command "ucs" "f" pause "")

;set hole center
(initget 1)
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick hole center point:"))

;move ucs to hole center
(command "_ucs" "_o" p1)

;pick second solid to be drilled
(while (/= objtypa "3DSOLID")
   (setq ent1 (entsel "\nPick solids to be drilled:"))
   (if ent1
(setq enta (car ent1))
(setq entdataa (entget enta))
(setq objtypa (cdr (assoc 0 entdataa)))

;pick second solid to be drilled
(while (/= objtypb "3DSOLID")
   (setq ent2 (entsel "\nPick solids to be drilled:"))
   (if ent2
(setq entb (car ent2))
(setq entdatab (entget entb))
(setq objtypb (cdr (assoc 0 entdatab)))

;create cylinders and subtract from selected solids to "drill" hole
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" holedia len1)
(setq cyl1 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" ent1 "" cyl1 "")
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" holedia len1)
(setq cyl2 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" ent2 "" cyl2 "")

;create washer 1
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" washerd washert)
(setq cyl3 (entlast))
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" holedia washert)
(setq cyl4 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" cyl3 "" cyl4 "")
(setq washer1 (entlast))

;create bolt head
(command "_osmode" 0)
(setq list1 (list 0 0 washert))
(command "_ucs" "_o" list1)
(command "_polygon" "6" "0,0,0" "c" boltaf)
(setq b1 (entlast))
(command "_extrude" b1 "" boltthk)
(setq b2 (entlast))
(setq p2 (list 0 0 boltthk))
(setq p3 (list boltaf 0 boltthk))
(setq p4d (+ 20 boltaf))
(setq p4 (list p4d 0 boltthk))
(setq p5d (- boltthk 11.55))
(setq p5 (list p4d 0 p5d))
(command "_osmode" 0)
(command "_3dpoly" p3 p4 p5 "c")
(setq b3 (entlast))
(command "_revolve" b3 "" "0,0,10" "0,0,0" "360")
(setq b4 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" b2 "" b4 "")
(setq bolthead (entlast))

;select back face
(setvar "osmode" 4)
(initget 1)
(setq p6 (getpoint "\nSet length of bolt by picking back face hole center:"))
(command "osmode" 0)

;calculate bolt grip length
(setq p7 (list 0 0 0))
(setq len2 (distance p6 p7))
(setq len3 (+ len2 washert))
(setq len4 (+ len3 nutthk))
(setq len5 (/ len4 5))
(setq len6 (fix len5))
(setq len7 (+ 1 len6))
(setq len8 (* 5 len7))
(setq len9 (+ len8 ext1))

;create bolt shank
(command "_osmode" 0)
(command "_ucs" "_y" "180")
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" msize len9)
(setq b5 (entlast))
(setq msizer (/ msize 2))
(setq p9d (- msizer boltend))
(setq p9 (list p9d 0 len9))
(setq len10 (- len9 boltend))
(setq p10 (list msizer 0 len10))
(setq p11 (list msizer 0 len9))
(command "_osmode" 0)
(command "_3dpoly" p9 p10 p11 "c")
(setq b6 (entlast))
(command "_revolve" b6 "" "0,0,10" "0,0,0" "360")
(setq b7 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" b5 "" b7 "")
(setq shank (entlast))

;join bolt head to shank
(command "_union" bolthead shank "")
(setq bolt (entlast))

;create washer 2
(setq list2 (list 0 0 len2))
(command "_ucs" "_o" list2)
(command "_osmode" 0)
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" washerd washert)
(setq cyl5 (entlast))
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" holedia washert)
(setq cyl6 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" cyl5 "" cyl6 "")
(setq washer2 (entlast))

;create nut
(setq list3 (list 0 0 washert))
(command "_ucs" "_o" list3)
(command "_polygon" "6" "0,0,0" "c" boltaf)
(setq b9 (entlast))
(command "_extrude" b9 "" nutthk)
(setq b10 (entlast))
(setq p12 (list boltaf 0 0))
(setq p13 (list p4d 0 0))
(setq p14 (list p4d 0 11.55))
(command "_3dpoly" p12 p13 p14 "c")
(setq b11 (entlast))
(command "_revolve" b11 "" "0,0,10" "0,0,0" "360")
(setq b12 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" b10 "" b12 "")
(setq b13 (entlast))
(setq p15 (list boltaf 0 nutthk))
(setq p16 (list p4d 0 nutthk))
(setq len11 (- nutthk 11.55))
(setq p17 (list p4d 0 len11))
(command "_3dpoly" p15 p16 p17 "c")
(setq b14 (entlast))
(command "_revolve" b14 "" "0,0,10" "0,0,0" "360")
(setq b15 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" b13 "" b15 "")
(setq b16 (entlast))
(command "_cylinder" "0,0,0" "d" msize nutthk)
(setq b17 (entlast))
(command "_subtract" b13 "" b17 "")
(setq nut (entlast))

;bolt routine finishes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;restore all original settings
(command "_osmode" exsnaps)
(command "_ucs" "na" "r" "existing")
(command "_ucs" "na" "d" "existing")
(command "_layer" "s" curlayer "")
(command "_undo" "_end")
(setq *error* olderr)

;internal error handler
(defun attrerr (str /)
(if (/= str "Function Cancelled")
   (princ (strcat "\nError: "str))

;end of prog statement
(command "_undo" "_end")
(command "_undo" "1")

;restore old error handler
(setq *error* olderr)
(setvar "cmdecho" cm)

;sub routines------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;subroutine for creating layer
(defun layerset (layername colour linetype / )
(if (/= colour nil)
   (command "_layer" "m" layername "c" colour layername "lt" linetype layername "")

Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 11:03:27

请注意,例程应基于当前层为紧固件创建一个新层。一、 e.如果您在一个名为“钢结构”的层上,则应创建一个名为“钢结构螺栓连接”的新层。
1) 目前,初始孔的设置深度只能为70mm。我认为,如果孔深度可以从您尝试“钻孔”的三维实体的深度中获取,则会更好。这样可以将更厚的物品固定在一起。这可能吗?
2) 这个例程只允许你将两个项目连接在一起,有没有办法让它允许选择两个以上的项目?
3) 如果由于某种原因,例程中途崩溃,它不会将所有内容恢复到其原始状态(UCS、层等),这真的很烦人。在试验过程中,我最终创建了以下层:

Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 11:04:42


GhostRider 发表于 2022-7-6 11:08:33


CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 11:12:59


XBR1 发表于 2022-7-6 11:14:47


Bill Tillman 发表于 2022-7-6 11:19:09

a) 。绘制六边多边形
b) 。将其挤出到所需的厚度
c) 。然后他画了一条我似乎无法理解的三维多段线。他挑了几个要点,但我似乎无法理解其中的逻辑。
d) 。然后他从六边形中减去这条3dpoly线,或者反过来。

Cerberus 发表于 2022-7-6 11:22:19

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