塔瓦特 我想这就是你要找的。
(defun DB_LINE (WallWidth / Point1 Point2 StartPt Start1 Start2 Line1 Line2 Line3 Line4 Int2 WallLayer WallLine)
;; Set the correct layer
(setq WallLayer "0")
(setq WallLine "BYLAYER")
;; Get first point
(setq Point1 (getpoint "\n Define first point: "))
;; Define first point as startpoint
(setq StartPt Point1)
;; Get next point
(setq Point2 (getpoint Point1 "\n Define next point: "))
;; start to create the wall
(setq Line1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 Point2 WallLayer WallLine 256)))
;; Defin the first line as the strting line
(setq Start1 Line1)
;; Create second line
(setq Line2 (car (vlax-invoke Line1 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Define the second line as the second start line
(setq Start2 Line2)
;; Reset the first point to the second point
(setq Point1 Point2)
;; While we are creating lines
;; Meet these criteria
;; Watch to close
(initget "Close")
;; get next point
(setq Point2 (getpoint Point1 "\n Define next point: "))
;; Check to see if it is a point list
(= (type Point2) 'LIST)
;; Create next section of wall
(setq Line3 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 Point2 WallLayer WallLine 256)))
(setq Line4 (car (vlax-invoke Line3 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Get the intersection of the first section and the second section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Line2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Chang the end points to meet
(vlax-put Line2 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Line4 'startpoint Int2)
;; Reset the lines
(setq Line1 Line3)
(setq Line2 Line4)
;; Reset the point
(setq Point1 Point2)
;; If the user want to close the line
(if (= Point2 "Close")
;; Create last section of wall
(setq Line3 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 StartPt WallLayer WallLine 256)))
(setq Line4 (car (vlax-invoke Line3 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Get the intersection of the first section and the second section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Line2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Reset the lines
(vlax-put Line2 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Line4 'startpoint Int2)
;; Now close it ....
;; Get the intersection of the last section and the first section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Start2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Chang the end points to meet
(vlax-put Line4 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Start2 'startpoint Int2)
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Copyright © December, 2008
;;; Timothy G. Spangler
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Description:
;;; Called from a menu pulldown or rightclick menu
;;; <STARTPOINT> = LIST = List of 2D / 3D points
;;; <ENDPOINT> = LIST = List of 2D / 3D points
;;; <LAYER> = STRING = Valid layer name
;;; <LINETYPE> = STRING = Valid linetype (loaded)
;;; <COLOR> = REAL = Valid color number
;;; Returns:
;;; Ename of created line
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; MAIN FUNCTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun STDLIB_CREATE_LINE (StartPoint EndPoint Layer Linetype Color / LineList)
(setq LineList
(cons 0 "LINE")
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
(cons 100 "AcDbLine")
(cons 6 Linetype)
(cons 8 Layer)
(cons 10 StartPoint)
(cons 11 EndPoint)
(cons 39 0.0)
(cons 62 Color)
(cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))
(entmakex LineList)
塔瓦特 这是Tims代码,添加了一个测试函数。
(defun C:DB ()
(or WW (setq WW 4.0))
(setq WW$ (rtos WW 2 1))
(setq WW (cond ((getreaL (strcat "\nSpecify wall width: <"WW$">: ")))(T WW)))
(defun DB_LINE (WallWidth / Point1 Point2 StartPt Start1 Start2 Line1 Line2 Line3 Line4 Int2 WallLayer WallLine)
;; Set the correct layer
(setq WallLayer "0")
(setq WallLine "BYLAYER")
;; Get first point
(setq Point1 (getpoint "\n Define first point: "))
;; Define first point as startpoint
(setq StartPt Point1)
;; Get next point
(setq Point2 (getpoint Point1 "\n Define next point: "))
;; start to create the wall
(setq Line1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 Point2 WallLayer WallLine 256)))
;; Defin the first line as the strting line
(setq Start1 Line1)
;; Create second line
(setq Line2 (car (vlax-invoke Line1 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Define the second line as the second start line
(setq Start2 Line2)
;; Reset the first point to the second point
(setq Point1 Point2)
;; While we are creating lines
;; Meet these criteria
;; Watch to close
(initget "Close")
;; get next point
(setq Point2 (getpoint Point1 "\n Define next point: "))
;; Check to see if it is a point list
(= (type Point2) 'LIST)
;; Create next section of wall
(setq Line3 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 Point2 WallLayer WallLine 256)))
(setq Line4 (car (vlax-invoke Line3 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Get the intersection of the first section and the second section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Line2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Chang the end points to meet
(vlax-put Line2 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Line4 'startpoint Int2)
;; Reset the lines
(setq Line1 Line3)
(setq Line2 Line4)
;; Reset the point
(setq Point1 Point2)
;; If the user want to close the line
(if (= Point2 "Close")
;; Create last section of wall
(setq Line3 (vlax-ename->vla-object (STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 StartPt WallLayer WallLine 256)))
(setq Line4 (car (vlax-invoke Line3 'offset WallWidth)))
;; Get the intersection of the first section and the second section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Line2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Reset the lines
(vlax-put Line2 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Line4 'startpoint Int2)
;; Now close it ....
;; Get the intersection of the last section and the first section
(setq Int2 (vlax-invoke Start2 'intersectwith Line4 acExtendBoth))
;; Chang the end points to meet
(vlax-put Line4 'endpoint Int2)
(vlax-put Start2 'startpoint Int2)
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Copyright © December, 2008
;;; Timothy G. Spangler
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Description:
;;; Called from a menu pulldown or rightclick menu
;;; <STARTPOINT> = LIST = List of 2D / 3D points
;;; <ENDPOINT> = LIST = List of 2D / 3D points
;;; <LAYER> = STRING = Valid layer name
;;; <LINETYPE> = STRING = Valid linetype (loaded)
;;; <COLOR> = REAL = Valid color number
;;; Returns:
;;; Ename of created line
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; MAIN FUNCTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun STDLIB_CREATE_LINE (StartPoint EndPoint Layer Linetype Color / LineList)
(setq LineList
(cons 0 "LINE")
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
(cons 100 "AcDbLine")
(cons 6 Linetype)
(cons 8 Layer)
(cons 10 StartPoint)
(cons 11 EndPoint)
(cons 39 0.0)
(cons 62 Color)
(cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))
(entmakex LineList)
(princ) 谢谢你,巴扎德先生。
下面是代码中调用STDLIB\u CREATE\u行的行
(STDLIB_CREATE_LINE Point1 Point2 WallLayer WallLine 256)
(defun C:DB ()
(or WW (setq WW 4.0))
(setq WW$ (rtos WW 2 1))
(setq WW (cond ((getreaL (strcat "\nSpecify wall width: <"WW$">: ")))(T WW)))
(defun DB_LINE (WallWidth / Point1 Point2 StartPt Start1 Start2 Line1 Line2 Line3 Line4 Int2 WallLayer WallLine)
此行调用局部函数DB\u line,提供的参数为WW。
(defun C:Dline ()
(setq pl (getpoint"\nSpecify first point:"))
塔瓦特 Tim先生