谢谢 像这样的?
(defun c:textalign()
(setq line (car (entsel "Pick a line"))
text (car (entsel "...and a text"))
ang (angle (cdr (assoc 10 (entget line)))
(cdr (assoc 11 (entget line)))
tl (entget text)
tl (subst (cons 50 ang) (assoc 50 tl) tl)
tl (entmod tl)
这是一个非常简单的例程-仅用于演示-如果用户没有选择例程期望的内容,它将崩溃 了解了。我今天生病了,没有去上班,决定写信。
(defun c:talong(/ actDoc actSp cText curAng curDer curPar
curStr curTxt lChr oldMode oldOff oldSize
oldSnap pt1 pt2 rLst selObj selPt stFlag
tmpLn tStr txTpt unStart whatDo)
(defun asmi_EntselWithOptions(Message / grLst filPt selSet)
(if Message
(princ Message)
(princ "\nSelect object: ")
); end if
(setq lChr ""
grLst(list 2 678)
tStr ""
); end setq
(member lChr '(" " "\r")))
(/= 3(car grLst))
); end or
(setq grLst(grread nil 4 2))
((= 3(car grLst))
(setq filPt(cadr grLst)
selSet(ssget filPt)
); end setq
(if selSet
(setq outVal
(list(ssname selSet 0)filPt))
); end if
); end cond #1
((= 2(car grLst))
(setq lChr(chr(cadr grLst)))
(member lChr '(" " "\r")))
(setq tStr(strcat tStr lChr)
outVal tStr); end setq
(princ lChr)
); end progn
); end if
); end cond #2
); end cond
); end progn
); end if
); end while
); end of asmi_EntselWithOptions
(defun asmi_LayersUnlock(/ restLst)
(setq restLst '())
(vlax-for lay
(setq restLst
(append restLst
(vla-get-Lock lay)
(vla-get-Freeze lay)
); end list
); end list
); end append
); end setq
(vla-put-Lock lay :vlax-false)
'vla-put-Freeze(list lay :vlax-false)))
); end vlax-for
); end of asmi_LayersUnlock
(defun asmi_LayersStateRestore(StateList)
(foreach lay StateList
(vla-put-Lock(car lay)(cadr lay))
'vla-put-Freeze(list(car lay)(nth 2 lay))))
); end foreach
); end of asmi_LayersStateRestore
;; UNFORMAT.LSP (c)2003, John F. Uhden, Cadlantic/CADvantage
;; v1.0 (04-01-03)
;; Removes MTEXT formatting with option to retain the "\\P" LineFeeds
;; Arguments:
;; Mtext - either an Ename or VLA-Object
;; KeepLF - nil (discard LineFeeds) non-nil (retain LineFeeds)
;; Only R15 or higher.
;; v1.0 is only the first attempt.
;; We can always embellish the code with additional options.
;; Yes, it can probably be sped up using integers, but this is legible.
(defun UnFormat (Mtext KeepLF / Text Str)
((= (type Mtext) 'VLA-Object)); end condition #1
((= (type Mtext) 'ENAME)
(setq Mtext (vlax-ename->vla-object Mtext))
); end condition #2
(1 (setq Mtext nil)) ; end condition #3
); end cond
(= (vlax-get Mtext 'ObjectName) "AcDbMText")
(setq Mtext (vlax-get Mtext 'TextString))
(setq Text "")
(while (/= Mtext "")
((wcmatch (strcase
(setq Str
(substr Mtext 1 2))) "\\[\\{}`~]")
(setq Mtext (substr Mtext 3)
Text (strcat Text Str)
); end setq
); ed condition #1
((wcmatch (substr Mtext 1 1) "[{}]")
(setq Mtext (substr Mtext 2))
); end condition #2
((and KeepLF (wcmatch (strcase (substr Mtext 1 2)) "\\P"))
(setq Mtext (substr Mtext 3)
Text (strcat Text "\\P")
); end setq
); end condition #3
((wcmatch (strcase (substr Mtext 1 2)) "\\")
(setq Mtext (substr Mtext 3))
); end condition #4
((wcmatch (strcase (substr Mtext 1 2)) "\\")
(setq Mtext
(substr Mtext (+ 2 (vl-string-search ";" Mtext))))
); end condition #5
((wcmatch (strcase (substr Mtext 1 2)) "\\S")
(setq Str
(substr Mtext 3
(- (vl-string-search ";" Mtext) 2))
Text (strcat Text
(vl-string-translate "#^\\" " " Str))
Mtext (substr Mtext (+ 4 (strlen Str)))
); end setq
(print Str)
); end condition #6
(setq Text (strcat Text (substr Mtext 1 1))
Mtext (substr Mtext 2)
); end setq
); end condition #7
); end cond
); end while
); end and
); end of UnFormat
(defun asmi_GetActiveSpace(/ actDoc spFlag)
(setq actDoc(vla-get-ActiveDocument
spFlag(vla-get-ActiveSpace actDoc)
); end setq
(if(= 0 spFlag)
(setq actSp(vla-get-PaperSpace actDoc))
(setq actSp(vla-get-ModelSpace actDoc))
); end if
); end of asmi_GetActiveSpace
(defun EnvironmentRestore()
(if oldSnap
(setvar "OSMODE" oldSnap)
); end if
(if unStart
(vla-EndUndoMark actDoc)
); end if
(if tmpLn
(vla-Delete tmpLn)
); end if
(if rLst
(asmi_LayersStateRestore rLst)
); end if
(if selObj
(vla-Highlight selObj :vlax-false)
); end if
); end of EnvironmentRestore
(defun *error*(msg)
(princ "\n<<< Console break. Quit. >>> ")
); end of *error*
(if(not tal:mode)(setq tal:mode "Type"))
(if(not tal:off)(setq tal:off 1.5))
(if(not tal:size)(setq tal:size(getvar "TEXTSIZE")))
(setq oldSnap(getvar "OSMODE"))
(/= 'LIST(type whatDo))
(not stFlag)
); end or
"\n<<< Mode = " tal:Mode ", Text size = " (rtos tal:size)
", Offset = " (rtos tal:off) " >>> ") ; end strcat
); end princ
(setq whatDo
"\nSelect curve or > ")
); end setq
((= 'LIST(type whatDo))
(setq selObj
(car whatDo))
selPt T
txtPt T
); end setq
(vla-get-ObjectName selObj)
'("AcDbLine" "AcDbPolyline" "AcDb3dPolyline"
"AcDbSpline" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse"
"AcDbArc" "AcDbRay" "AcDbXline")
); end menber
(vla-Highlight selObj :vlax-true)
(setq rLst(asmi_LayersUnlock))
(and selPt txtPt)
(setq actDoc
(setq unStart T)
(setvar "OSMODE" 3071)
(setq selPt
"\nPick point on curve or Right Click to Quit > "); end getpoint
); end setq
(setq curPar
(vlax-curve-GetParamAtPoint selObj
(setq selPt(trans selPt 1 0))))
(setq curDer
(vlax-curve-GetFirstDeriv selObj
); end setq
(if(=(cadr curDer) 0.0)
(setq curAng (/ pi 2))
(setq curAng
(- pi
(/(car curDer)
(cadr curDer)))))
); end if
(setq pt1
(polar selPt curAng (* tal:size tal:off))
(polar selPt curAng (-(* tal:size tal:off)))
tmpLn(vla-AddLine actSp
(vlax-3D-point pt1)(vlax-3D-point pt2)
); end vla-AddLine
); end setq
(vla-put-Color tmpLn acRed)
(setvar "OSMODE" 1)
(setq txtPt
"\nPick middle point of text or Right Click to Quit > ")
); end setq
(setq txtPt
(trans txtPt 1 0))
curStr nil); end setq
(while(not curStr)
(= tal:mode "Type")
(setq curStr
(getstring T
"\nEnter text: "); end getstring
); end setq
(if(= "" curStr)(setq curStr nil))
); end progn
(setq cText
"\nCopy text > "))
(setq cText
(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cText)))
(vla-get-ObjectName cText)
'("AcDbText" "AcDbMText" "AcDbAttribute")
); end member
); end and
(= "AcDbMText"
(vla-get-ObjectName cText))
(setq curStr
(UnFormat cText nil)); end setq
(setq curStr
(vla-get-TextString cText)); end setq
); end if
); end if
); end progn
); end if
(if(not curStr)
(princ "\n>>> Empty input! <<< ")
(setq curTxt
(vla-addText actSp curStr
txtPt tal:size)); end setq
(and(< curAng(* 2 pi))(> curAng pi))
(vla-put-Rotation curTxt (+ curAng(/ pi 2)))
(vla-put-Rotation curTxt (- curAng(/ pi 2)))
); end if
(vla-put-Alignment curTxt acAlignmentMiddleCenter)
(vla-Move curTxt
(vla-get-TextAlignmentPoint curTxt)
txtPt); end move
); end progn
); end if
); end while
); end progn
(princ "\n<<< Quit >>> ")
); end if
(vla-Delete tmpLn)
(setq tmpLn nil)
); end progn
(princ "\n>>> Point isn't at curve! Quit. <<< ")
(setq selPt nil)
); end progn
); end if
); end progn
(princ "\n<<< Quit >>> ")
); end if
(vla-EndUndoMark actDoc)
(setq unStart nil)
); end while
(vla-Highlight selObj :vlax-false)
(asmi_LayersStateRestore rLst)
); end progn
(princ "\n>>> This isn't curve! Quit. <<< ")
); end if
); end condition #1
((= "S" (strcase whatDo))
(initget "Type Copy")
(setq oldMode tal:mode
oldOff tal:off
oldSize tal:size
"\nSpecify text creation mode <"
tal:mode ">: "); end strcat
); end getkword
"\nSpecify text size <"
(rtos tal:size) ">: "); end strcat
); end getreal
"\nSpecify text offset from line. TEXT SIZE * <"
(rtos tal:off) ">: "); end strcat
); end getreal
); end setq
(if(null tal:mode)(setq tal:mode oldMode))
(if(null tal:size)(setq tal:size oldSize))
(if(null tal:off)(setq tal:off oldOff))
); end condition #2
((= "Q" (strcase whatDo))
(princ "\n<<< Quit >>> ")
(setq stFlag T)
); end condition #3
(princ "\nInvalid option keyword. ")
); end condition #4
); end cond
); end while
); end of c:talong 谢谢朋友们的回复
非常感谢你 >出租车
你好精细Lisp程序。我喜欢通过“entsel”和带有“vlax curve getClosestPointTo”的精确坐标同时选择点和曲线的想法。然而,我认为这是完全有可能做到的。在“grread”的基础上查看我的函数“asmi\u EntselWithOptions”。可以查询类型“选择曲线上的点或[镜像(最后)/移动(最后)/(更改)边/设置]:”。可以根据需要更改最后一个文本的侧面、移动它、更改所有下一个文本的侧面和更改设置(文本大小、与曲线的距离,以及选择模式[键入/复制]),而无需中断命令和多余的查询。对于那些不需要选项的人,不能像不存在选项一样使用它。
不幸的是,现在绝对没有时间了。我已经过了两天的工作,我有一些更重要的问题。 Asmi,
我的只是一个简单的Lisp程序的spacific pourpose。 这很简单,你为什么不试试呢。
发布你的代码,有人会帮你完成。 好的,试试这个。
;;CAB 02/19/2007
;;Add text to DWG at angle of selected object
(defun c:tao() (c:TextAlignWithObject)) ; shortcut
(defun c:TextAlignWithObject (/ tmp ang p@pt parA parB pt start txtht
FixTextAngle addtext)
;;Returns a text angle in radians, flops text at >90 and <270
(defun FixTextAngle (ang)
(if (and (> ang (* 0.5 pi)) (< ang (* 1.5 pi)))
(+ ang pi)
;;Create a text object
(defun addtext (ipt hgt text ang lay / txtObj)
(setq txtObj
(if (= (getvar 'cvport) 1)
(vla-get-paperspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vlax-3d-point ipt)
(vla-put-layer txtObj lay)
(vla-put-rotation txtObj ang)
(vla-put-alignment txtObj acalignmentbottomcenter)
(vla-put-textalignmentpoint txtobj (vlax-3d-point ipt))
;;-=< START HERE>=-
;;Get text string to insert
(or txtstr (setq txtstr "Default Text"))
(if (/= (setq tmp (getstring t (strcat "\nEnter text string: < " txtstr " > "))) "")
(setq txtstr tmp)
;;Get object to align text & insert point
;;Object must have curve data
(if (and (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect point on object to label."))
(not (vl-catch-all-error-p
(setq pt (vl-catch-all-apply
(list (car ent) (cadr ent))
(setq ent(car ent)
p@pt (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint ent pt)
parA (max 0.0 (- p@pt 0.05))
parB (min (+ p@pt 0.05) (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent))
ang(angle (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ent parA)
(vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ent ParB)
); aprox angle of curve at pick point
ang(FixTextAngle ang)
;;Text height by style or current Text Size
(if (zerop (setq txtht (getvar 'textsize)))
(setq txtht (getvar "TextSize"))
(addtext pt txtht txtstr ang (getvar "clayer")) ; ins hgt text ang
(prompt "\n**Missed or no curve data for object.")
(prompt "\nTextAlignWithObject.lsp loaded enter TAO to run.")
(princ) 我试着把在图中选择的文本移动到线上的点