Lisp, Blocks & Box
I'm looking for a simple lisp that puts a block (name: corner) in all corners of a rectangle. it needs to turn with the box. the block is at 0º in the upper left hand corner. I know there's something out there like this but I couldn't find it. I meant to upload a picSounds like someone needs to learn LISP. :wink: In the language of pseudocode...
[*]Prompt for Block Selection
[*]Prompt for box Selection (check object validity)
[*]Get Vertices of Box (dxf group code 10 - multiple entries)
[*]Sort Points by x then y, or vice versa and insert block with correct rotation at each point. (Alternatively, perhaps get First Derivative of curve near vertex to determine rotation.
Don't forget to check for direction of polygon.
Haha nice one Alan
You're such a tease lol
HaHa, thanks.
I was looking for Gile's Clockwise routine, but then I remembered I could just use the formula to check the area of a triangle (given 3 points), so I just used that. It goes along with the the code you helped me with the first time. When I create this I want the corners to fill in. I'd like them to come in automatically but if I have to select them than that's fine
(defun c:COMP1 (/ blockname p1 p2 d d1) ;; modified by Reid b. (vl-load-com) (setq blockname "1compartment") (if (and (or (tblsearch "block" blockname) (findfile (strcat blockname ".dwg")) (alert (strcat blockname " cannot be found!")) ) (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify block insertion point: ")) (setq d (getdist p1 "\nSpecify box width: ")) (setq d1 (getdist p1 "\nSpecify box length: ")) ) ((lambda (block) (foreach x (vlax-invoke block 'GetDynamicBlockProperties) (cond ((eq (vla-get-propertyname x) "DISTANCE") (vla-put-value x (cond ((>= 0.125 (/ d 0.125)) 0.125) ((< 0.125 (setq num (/ d 0.125))) (* 0.125 (fix num))) (0.125) ) ) ) ((eq (vla-get-propertyname x) "DISTANCE1") (vla-put-value x (cond ((>= 0.125 (/ d1 0.125)) 0.125) ((< 0.125 (setq num (/ d1 0.125))) (* 0.125 (fix num))) (0.125) ) ) ) ) ) (vl-catch-all-apply (function (lambda () (vla-explode block) (vla-delete block)))) ) (vla-insertblock (if (or (eq acmodelspace (vla-get-activespace (cond (*AcadDoc*) ((setq *AcadDoc* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) ) ) ) (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-mspace *AcadDoc*)) ) (vla-get-modelspace *AcadDoc*) (vla-get-paperspace *AcadDoc*) ) (vlax-3d-point (trans p1 1 0)) blockname 1. 1. 1. 0. ) ) ) (princ)) It's really nice of you to completely remove my name from my code. I can't believe that...