Good grief.What the #$%#@%#$% was the difference, same command.....
Thx Lee that worked.I have been fiddling on and off with that for months. I had tried ^c^c_atte, and ^c^c_ddatte as well. When adding options to Pulldowns, Double-click actions, etc., to avoid any possible issues, always use the command name instead of a command alias. Yup.Just got to make sure which one is the alias. Glad you got it working Matt, I'll sure we've provided enough options in this thread to have you satisfied for a long time
With core commands, if you execute a command with an alias, the full name is displayed.
Command: ateATTEDITSelect block reference: *Cancel*Command: lLINE Specify first point: *Cancel*Command: pPLINESpecify start point: *Cancel*