VB.net: text filter
Im using the following code to select all text on a specific layer on my drawing:Dim tvs() As TypedValue = New TypedValue() {New TypedValue(CType(DxfCode.Operator, Integer), "New TypedValue(CType(DxfCode.Start, Integer), "TEXT"), _
New TypedValue(CType(DxfCode.LayerName, Integer), "SettingOut"), _
New TypedValue(CType(DxfCode.Operator, Integer), "and>")}
Is there a way to say only select text that starts with the letter "A"? Hi,
You can use generic characters with string type values.
You don't need to use the "AND" operator, it's the default.
TypedValue[] tvs = new TypedValue[]{ new TypedValue(0, "TEXT"), new TypedValue(8, "SettingOut"), new TypedValue(1, "A*")}; Thanks, it works beautifully