Is there a way to determine (b
Hello,Is there a way to determine (by lisp) if a command is in progress?
I want to make a macro that can do either the first thing (if a command is in progress) or or the second thing if there is no command in progress.
TNx. Cmdactive maybe?
(if (> (getvar 'CmdActive) 0)) (do first);if True (do second);if nil)
You'll probably run into problems if you try and execute functions/commands while a command is active. YOu mean like this:
(if (> (getvar 'CmdActive) 0) (do first);if True (do second);if nil)
Thank you. I will try and post my reaction soon. CMDACTIVE is actually bit-coded, so you might want to look into such functions as logand/logior.
Here is a reference: