你从事什么学科。如果你对这门学科有基本的了解,那么常规就更有意义了-大卫 轨道结构
E、 G.信号架/基础/平台设计等 跳过,
我将从学习AutoLISP开始,当您完全能够使用AutoLISP功能时,进入一点Visual LISP,AutoCAD程序的结构将发挥更大的作用。
李 跳过,
;; Example to Change Text height of a selected item;;
;; to 2.0 ;;
(defun c:ChangeHeight
;; Here we are defining the function, we
;; use (defun c:..) to indicate that the
;; user can invoke the function from the
;; command-line.
(/ ent)
;; Inside these bracket we list all the
;; arguments needed for the function to
;; work (before the forward slash), in this
;; case none, and all the local variables
;; i.e. symbols which have a value bound to
;; them, which are used in the function.
;; These variables will be set to nil when
;; when the function is invoked and when the
;; function completes.
(if;; We must allow for the user not selecting
;; anything.
(and ;; Both of the following conditions must
;; return True for the IF statement to proceed.
(setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect Text Object: ")))
;; If the user picks something, entsel will return a
;; list with two elements. The first element will be
;; the entity name of the entity that was picked, and
;; the second element will be the actual point that was
;; picked, i.e. (3.4 5.2 0.0). We are only interested in
;; the entity name, so we use 'car' to get the first element
;; of the list, and then use 'setq' to bound this entity
;; name to a variable, so that we can reference it later.
;; Note that, if the user doesn't pick anything, entsel
;; will return nil, and so (car (entsel)) will also return
;; nil, and our IF statement will not be fullfilled.
(eq "TEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))))
;; This is the second of our conditions that must be
;; met for the AND statement to return True, and hence the
;; IF statement to proceed.
;; The 'entget' function will return the DXF data associated
;; with an entity name, this includes all the data that
;; describe that particular entity.
;; The Group code '0' is the entity type, and each group
;; code is listed as the code coupled with the data associated
;; with that code, in this way:
;; ((0 . "TEXT") (40 . 2.5) ...)
;; We can use the 'assoc' function to look at the first element
;; in each of these lists, and retrieve the one that starts with '0'.
;; We now have (0 . "TEXT"), so we can get at the second part of this
;; using the 'cdr' function. We can then test to see whether this equals
;; "TEXT" using the 'eq' function. If not, the user has selected an
;; object that isn't text.
) ; End AND
;; Now we can proceed with the THEN statement, this is the statement
;; that is evaluated if the text expression for the IF function is
;; satisfied.
(entmod ;; Modify the entity after doing the following...
(subst;; Substitute
(cons 40 2.0);; A dotted pair '(40 . 2.0)
(assoc 40 (entget ent)) ;; For the DXF group 40 entry in the list
(entget ent))) ;; The data list that is being operated on.
;; This is the business end of the function. Here we are using the
;; 'subst' function to substitute '(40 . 2.0) for the entry that
;; starts with 40 in the DXF data list.
;; The DXF code 40 represents the Text Height of the text, and,
;; once we have made the substitution, we must update the entity
;; using the 'entmod' function.
(princ "\n** Object is Not Text **")
;; This is the ELSE statement for the IF function, so here we
;; are alerting the user that they have not picked a text object.
) ; End IF
(princ) ;; Exit Cleanly.
) ;; End DEFUN
(如果我这么做,我会觉得很傻!!) 不用担心,乐意帮忙 这是我认为很有趣的一个。这都是英寸(我只是不是一个公制的家伙)
(defun c:gate (/ hgt len qty sp xp maxx bn)
(initget 7)
(setq hgt (getdist "\nHeight To Pivot Point: "))
(while (or (not len)
(< len 96))
(initget 7)
(setq len (getdist "\nGate Length: ")))
(initget 6)
(setq qty (getint "\nNumber Of Lights <4>: "))
(if (not qty)
(setq qty 4))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "BLOCK")(list 10 0 0 0)(cons 70 0)
(cons 2 (strcat "GATE" (rtos len 2 0) "x" (itoa qty)))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 10)(cons 10 (list 8 0 -5))(cons 40 1)(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 4)(cons 10 (list -2 -5 -2))(cons 11 (list 0 -5 -2))(cons 12 (list -2 5 -2))(cons 13 (list 0 5 -2))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 4)(cons 10 (list -32.48528137 -5 6.48528137))(cons 11 (list -30.48528137 -5 6.48528137))(cons 12 (list -32.48528137 5 6.48528137))(cons 13 (list -30.48528137 5 6.48528137))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 0 2 5))(cons 11 (list 0 -2 5))(cons 12 (list 11.17157288 2 5))(cons 13 (list 12.82842712 -2 5))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 11.17157288 2 5))(cons 11 (list 12.82842712 -2 5))(cons 12 (list 19.65685425 10.48528137 5))(cons 13 (list 21.3137085 6.48528137 5))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 19.65685425 10.48528137 5))(cons 11 (list 21.3137085 6.48528137 5))(cons 12 (list 32.48528137 10.48528137 5))(cons 13 (list 32.48528137 6.48528137 5))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 19.65685425 10.48528137 -7))(cons 11 (list 21.3137085 6.48528137 -7))(cons 12 (list 32.48528137 10.48528137 -7))(cons 13 (list 32.48528137 6.48528137 -7))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 11.17157288 2 -7))(cons 11 (list 12.82842712 -2 -7))(cons 12 (list 19.65685425 10.48528137 -7))(cons 13 (list 21.3137085 6.48528137 -7))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "TRACE")(cons 8 "3D")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list 0 2 -7))(cons 11 (list 0 -2 -7))(cons 12 (list 11.17157288 2 -7))(cons 13 (list 12.82842712 -2 -7))(cons 210 (list 0 1 0))))
(setq sp (/ len qty)
xp (* sp 0.5))
(repeat qty
(entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")(cons 8 "3D-RED")(cons 39 2)(cons 10 (list xp 6 -1))(cons 40 3)(cons 210 (list 0 -1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")(cons 8 "3D-BLACK")(cons 39 1.5)(cons 10 (list xp 0 2))(cons 40 0.5)))
(setq xp (+ xp sp)))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D-WHITE")(cons 39 2)
(cons 10 (list 0 -2 -1))
(cons 11 (list 02 -1))
(cons 12 (list 2 -2 -1))
(cons 13 (list 62 -1))
(cons 210 (list 0 -1 0))))
(setq xp 2
maxx (- len 2))
(while (< xp len)
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D-RED")(cons 39 2)
(cons 10 (list (min maxx (+ xp 0))-2 -1))
(cons 11 (list (min maxx (+ xp 4)) 2 -1))
(cons 12 (list (min maxx (+ xp 24)) -2 -1))
(cons 13 (list (min maxx (+ xp 26))2 -1))
(cons 210 (list 0 -1 0))))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D-WHITE")(cons 39 2)
(cons 10 (list (min maxx (+ xp 24)) -2 -1))
(cons 11 (list (min maxx (+ xp 26))2 -1))
(cons 12 (list (min maxx (+ xp 48)) -2 -1))
(cons 13 (list (min maxx (+ xp 52)) 2 -1))
(cons 210 (list 0 -1 0))))
(setq xp (+ xp 48)))
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")(cons 8 "3D-WHITE")(cons 39 2)
(cons 10 (list (- len 2)2 -1))
(cons 11 (list (- len 0)2 -1))
(cons 12 (list (- len 6) -2 -1))
(cons 13 (list (- len 0) -2 -1))
(cons 210 (list 0 -1 0))))
(setq bn (entmake (list (cons 0 "ENDBLK")(cons 8 "0"))))
(command "_.LAYER" "_C" 254 "3D" "_C" 1 "3D-RED" "_C" 7 "3D-WHITE" "")
(entmake (list (cons 0 "INSERT")(cons 2 bn)(cons 8 "0")
(cons 10 (list 0 0 hgt))))